Monday, March 6, 2023

Book Review: "The Change" By Kirsten Miller


The must read book of 2023!

Three women with a mid life changes are turning into butterflies and it's one lovely adventure to behold as they spread their wings.
Each has a uniquely different background but each puts on display a life that's faith full and fancy free.

There's plenty of roller coaster moments but the surprise is with Rosalind and the life she bestows with pain killer addiction adding to the mess alongside Spencer. Was Spencer the night or was he the nightmare?

Then we have Mandy a gilr who andswered and Ad for a job but may have received far more than she could've bargained as faith is now more than just a terminology it's part of a crime scene at a locker gym in which prints were found but also pics of a shady past.

Who do these half naked pics belong too? Why aren't the cops actively engaged in finding these missing young ladies?

Was Rosalind Harding's family involved and could the word F-A-I-T-H hold more significance than merely a name?

Spencer thinks he's gotten away with murder but we all know there's more to the day his wife died in the car accident than he's telling us.
Jo's daughter has just been targeted but who would possibly want to do a 30 yo body conscious mom's daughter harm?

Will Nessa James our widow and mother of twin girls possibly stop this madness as the empty nester who hears voices from beyond the graves?

Or, will Harriet Osborne be the final of the three that we depend upon for answers as she's nearing 50 yo with a failed marriage and career?

Gagged and bound for secrecy is no way to live...

Breaking...Body found in garbage bag-possiblel prostitute-but how do the police know when they're not investing time or resources to find these women?

Could we have a serial killer on our hands? On an island? Killing young girls that are prostitutes for fun?

Rosalind Harding may have held the answers but she's gone and Spencer may now hold the key to who kidnapped Jo's daughter Lucy.
Oh, snap...He's been done in too!

Well, that leaves us with plenty of bodies but not enough answers...So what now?

Bring in Claude who is like the Epstein gal only worse....Sick pigs and pervs who feel above the law must suffer the consequences for killing and raping so many innocent lives.

A superb novel by a thriller author. I can't wait to see what's next.

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