Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Book Review: "The Puzzle Master" By Danielle Trussoni

Supernatural meets reality and it goes off with a BANG!

What can one say, "In circles we move at night and are consumed by fire."
Let me begin by saying not only is God good but God is male and female and this may be shocking to some.
Let me also note that a puzzle is made up of many blank spaces and it's up to us to decide how to fill those spaces.

Hidden messages are found everywhere one looks but not everyone sees or feels the sensations.Those who do may be killed for this knowledge.

There's so much action that it's impossible to not notice from porcelain dolls to therapy sessions to crimes involving death and destruction.

What does come out with the laundry is the bleeding colors of truth and justice and Lord -Hear our Prayer...we need you, stat!

It's more than just a circle of life when everyone has something to say, a part to play, and a move to make.Good vs evil needs to take a step back for the powerful women are here to stay!

Do I say an acquittal coming your way is a blessing in disguise but for some it's already too late.

Love it all!
Great Job Danielle Trussoni in all regards!

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