Monday, May 1, 2023

Book Review: "Where Are The Children Now" By Mary Higgins Clark and Alafair Burke


It's Mary Higgins Clark and Alafair Burke at their finest and it's definetely worth the journey in the 2nd of this magnificent series.

Where Are the Children Now dives into the relationship between the past, the present, and the future in this new work that will raise every follicle upward.

Riley is the step daughter that's gone missing from this toxic family situation. Claims about drugged up coffeee begins to take shape.
Charlie is Riley's dad as her mother has died at the falls...or did she? Is Linda still alive?

Riley was never adopted so there's that but it's also an emotional tug that sends us into turmoil over the fact of why she's never been adopted. Wasn't she loved enough? Was another play in hand here?
Nancy Harmon is a central character to the shenanigans playing out. Convicted of murder of two kids when Mike and Melissa go missing from the 2nd marriage. Is there a connection of missing siblings?


Ok, before we get too excited there's something going on with Charlie and or Rachel Miller...and I'm not a betting gal but I'm sure there's more to this story...

Look, there's an accomplice to murder acting all innocent. There's also a crooked friend or two that may be out to do harm.
Watch your back on this one.

A perfect storm!

Thank you Bibliotheca (Cloud Library) for this audio e-read.

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