Monday, January 23, 2023

Book Review: "Three Widows" By Patricia Gibney

Dead widows in yellow dresses? Many from the same support group? Several wind up in similar situations but one lives to tell the story...

These women were no less tortured, eyes gouged out, some bound/gagged, and some dressed and moved to another location like rag dolls.

The case begins with D.I. Lottie Parker investigating a young mother Eilis Lawler missing whereabouts when her body turns up in a lake.
The deaths begin to mount so much so that we need a 'laundry-list' to keep them all situated mid-stream through the 443 pages on Netgalley.

The real 'humdinger' is when these women seem to have a similar background to a particular group - a group that seems to be holding out secrets of more than just support.

Follow the money trail might be one clue but following the truths about marriage may just be the break one needs for justice.

Who knows if these women can ever heal or if they'll be found dead or alive but what I can tell you is the freaky nature of the killer being broadcast just prior to each killing. It was unnerving to have this person discuss each death in detail as each plot thickened.

A great effort for Gibney who showcased just how crazy, yet elusive, this killer became.

Speaking of which there's also an issue with a husband (Tyler Keating) gone missing a year earlier that's on the back burner. His wife is in the hospital recovering from serious injuries in an alleged atack by a suspected serial killer.

This serial killer is the one person you'd least expect so keep your options open when conducting the 'm.o. tally.'

Where might Tyler be today? Good some clues seem to have been 're-located' to another woman's area.

As for these yellow dresses....What's up with yellow?

Ahhh, if I told you it'd be cowardice of me so I'll leave that for second guessing sleuths to determine.

This novel is perfect for the legal beagles, the thrillers, those who love a heart pounding piece that has an interesting ending.

Thank you to Patricia Gibney, Bookouture, Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for this honest review.

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