Friday, August 9, 2019

Book Review: Still Winning By Charles Hurt

Still Winning or Are We Still Winning?

As a malignant narcissist survivor you know I know the game and how it's played. I now council others on the warning signs to look for in protecting oneself against these predators.
Since you cannot diagnose from afar based on the Goldwater Rule what I can tell you is the classic signs never change.

For example the need to 'win' at all costs, to feel above the law, to believe one is god like or far superior to the rest of society.

Vanity is often connected to narcissism yet it's only a small part of the whole. What you don't see below the iceberg is often hidden and performed behind closed doors.
It's the Jekyll and Hyde scenario and here we have plenty of it.

What you will also notice is the constant lack of responsibility or accountability for one's own actions. In place of responsibility or accountability for actions you'll find a need to blame, shame, guilt trip, or an attempt to silence the victims and or survivors of the abuse.

These toxic individuals are also known for their ability to appear a certain way. Always seeking the spotlight or pedestal placement in the crowd. Always trying to woo the crowd with wealth. Buying the love rather than spending quality time with those they love. You'll also find a lack of communication skills, inability to be authentic or true to self, and an ability to deceive by trying to 'sell oneself' to the general population.

What DT has is the charm and charisma, he seems believable to those who have never encountered someone like him before, he also has the will to succeed that egotistical and obnoxious will.

You'll find the enablers are those who are afraid to speak out, those who perhaps aren't knowledgeable of their destructive past, those who refuse to accept that actions speak louder than mere words.

To know a narc is to have married one and I assure you it's not a picnic. There's zero love, you are a business partner, a kept woman, a piece of 'eye candy' to fool those who don't know better. Your job is to create the fantasy to reality perspective that surely he's a family man and that he's normal.

This is not normal!

This is not the new norm!

People will eventually see through it all...

One thing worth noting is nothing last forever.

While you may fool some you cannot fool all especially those of us who have lived this hell on Earth.

Putting others down to elevate oneself is not only disgusting it's despicable and beneath the highest office of the land.

Since this is a book about winning I assure you there's very little on the topic of his successes because he doesn't have much invested here.

One thing you'll learn is that it's empty promises and broken dreams on this trail of destruction that's being offered up for the taking.

Sure he's not a politician but he offers much the same.

I chuckled when I read this because I know the final outcome and sadly our country is being gaslighted, manipulated, bullied, and forced to live in the flight of fight responses that are triggering to America.

Look around, you need not go far to see the truth.

The truth will set you free but first you must recognize it as the truth and not a vision of the false sense of self and the fake news of the day.

While you may think using most of the Fox News Hosts is a way to sell a book and provide quotes on the back it's nothing more than enablers at their finest doing what they must to stay loyal to their leader.

For a narcissist they demand loyalty but will never offer up anything of value.

It's a me, me, me syndrome that is about taking more than about giving.

Once exhausted, depleted, destroyed they will walk on and never look back.

You need not go far to see this is plain view as his staff's turnover rating is evident of this action. The number of careers, friendships, and people he's destroyed in his path are astounding.

However if you still refuse and wish to live in the land of smoke, fog, mirrors, and bottomless black pits know this: no matter how much you give of yourself these narcs have insatiable appetites and are never satisfied.

They will go through a multitude of behaviors from the odd to the unusual to the eccentric and anything in between.

One day they will appear fine the next minute they will be raging and throwing a two year old temper tantrum that often is enhanced by their need to make others miserable. They want power and control and they want to be the bearer of others emotions.

So while the author might use words such as "outsider, master marketer, deeply careful listener, courtly, charming, charming, funny guy." The reality is much different w/o of course all of this mirroring and projecting.

What you see happening here is the need to please.

What you need to understand is the American people deserve better!

Love not Hate!
Be better not bitter!
Unity and Transparency!
Well Educated Intellectuals not Hand Picked Nepotism!
A President for All not a President for ONE!
It's the WE not the ME!
It's not the Us v Them but the Inclusion of the Entirety!

So while you read this you will see derogatory comments which add up to placing blame squarely at the feet of the Democratic party with honorable mentions going to : Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, John F. Kennedy, Ted Kennedy, Obama and the like..

"If you really hate Donald Trump, you are probably not reading this book." 

Well the truth is I love a good book on our political climate and love debates and conversation on topics of value.

Our country is under attack but it's not from the outside it's from within and sadly enablers, flying monkeys, and the loyal harems are not what this country needs.

Lies, distortions, false accusations, half truths are not what our country was founded upon.
While you may wonder why the Democrats were concerned about the size of his audience it's because it's just one more example of this man's incessant need to lie. Fact checking and transparency is needed. Not locked out journalists and no more media involvement.

The media is not the enemy.
The latinos are not the enemy.
Those who object or disagree with the kool aid being sold here are not the enemy.

You will find we can agree to disagree but this is one person who has lived it, who refused to stay silent about it, who will tell her story on it, and who will pray for our country and our nation.

Notice I worded this latter sentence exactly right...

God Bless the USA!

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