Saturday, July 13, 2019

Book Review: "The Evolutionary Empath" By Rev Stephanie Red Feather Ph.D.

Empaths have the uncanny ability to be more observant, able to feel more closely, and have the sense that sixth sense.

What was clearly evident is how many who are empathetic will not use their potential to the fullest and instead will often hide it to not stick out.

The author confirms that it's perfectly fine to be able to hone in on this special ability and utilize it to help others and oneself.

So often women in particular exhaust themselves but priorities and boundaries are often needed especially when in relationships in which women may take on the personality of the boyfriend to complete them or be more likeable.

To feel as one we must not lose our sense of self.

Chakras, auras, and the new spirituality is addressed in which one must know the continuum and follow it closely.

One thing that I especially related to was the section on co-dependency and the idea that many would consider an empath who was involved with a malignant narcissist/sociopath/psychopath as having an anti social personality disorder such as being bipolar.

I find this occurring often that empaths in these types of relationships with toxic individuals will often question themselves and wonder whether it's them that's the problem rather than someone with this DSM Manual personality trait disorder.

I enjoyed this book as it was self explanatory, fulfilled the need, explained the ideas, and gave concrete ways to not lose oneself in the process and to strengthen what one possesses in being able to not be told they are overtly emotional.

Highly recommend!

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