Sunday, July 14, 2019

Book Review: "The Lost Train to Londonz' By Meg Waite Clayton

I can't recall ever having a book that was so in depth and complex in nature and emotions that I had to come back to it several times just to finish. To think it's all based on a true story. Wow!

This book was just such a book capturing the mind, heart, and soul of the reader and good luck trying to finish it without a Kleenex or two.

My word where does one even begin as it's during the time period of the late 30's , a time of horrific terror upon the Jews by Nazis ordered from Hitler to basically destroy everyone and everything.

It's that fear that's shown through the eyes of the children as they are separated from their families and taken away never to see them again.

One such beacon of light is Tante Truus a member of the Dutch Resistance as she became known who serves one mission and that mission is to save as many of the children from Nazi control as possible.

She is the mother to all the children, calming their fears, supporting their dreams, giving them hope for a brighter future.

The journeys that many of these children and families took was heartbreaking and destructive yet they never lost hope. They fought till the end.

This novel is a must read for 2019!

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