Friday, July 12, 2019

Book Review: "Lock Every Door" By Riley Sager

Serve the Rich and Trap the Poor and throw out the welcome mat! We're here to stay or are we?

Dream apartment or deadly nightmare?! Mad scientist experiment or cure for all eternity?! History has a funny way of repeating itself now doesn't it? Hint,Hint...

"Never take anything you haven’t earned, my father used to say. You always end up paying for it one way or another.”"Life from death" is more than just words here. 

Still wondering what I'm talking about ? Well than good, because you must sit and stay for a while and by all means follow the darn rules!

Fight or flight is a true and just feeling having endured it myself but for those in the Bartholomew with all it's dark history it's quite complex resulting in perverse dialogue, creepy as F characters, mysterious intricate and dreary settings, and a host of twists and turns makes this one hell of a read!

Look I get it some things are not what they appear to be and from the word go this was anything but ordinary as it was truly extraordinary.

It was imaginative, it was frightful, it was delirious and delicious, plus it was pressing every anxiety nerve one could possess as readers cannot escape the doom and gloom.
Just imagine being paid to house sit and paid quite nicely considering the back story of poverty and hopelessness. Four grand for three months up front without questions just bizarre household rules to follow...UHHM Sign me up! I'm game!

Folks, look when you've lived as a bottom feeder you jump at the chance to move up the ladder. Jump is an understatement because you must be careful this was an ashes to ashes and dust to dust nerve wracking bonanza that shows that the Phoenix shall rise again from the ashes.

What this story possesses is an unimaginable thrill that leads readers into one direction while simultaneously through different time frames weaves a web that connects together in the end to be more than anyone could've dreamed!

Jules had no idea what she was getting into when she accepted the position as apartment sitter.

Needless to say she learned as she went along just how odd this entire situation was when Ingrid one of the apartment sitters went missing.

Could she have been sending clues all this time? Was she trying to warn Jules?
As the mystery surrounds the world becomes haunted and more diverse and illuminous characters enter the scene each with there own part of the history and elusiveness.
The story starts with suspense and intrigue and Riley Sager turns on the charm even more as we enter the land of no return.

Devilish ways or the plain ol Devil? You decide!

Magic, cults, murders, suicides....well come on now! You got me interested!
What if you were simply doing as you were told but to the outside world it appeared as something quite different?

Ah hell just read the book because the test subjects, the dead servants, the entire thing should probably just go up in smoke!

Perhaps it's not worth the effort or is it?

Grandad and Grandma may have started it but I'm sure it won't end the way it all began!
NUFF said...go, run, get yourself a copy stat!

Creation from destruction now there's a kicker...

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