Saturday, November 30, 2019

Book Review: "Her Perfect Lies" By Lana Newton

Imagine waking up without any memory of a recent car accident or any recollection of your past.

What a thriller here with plenty of non stop he said/she said action involving the entire family and friends.

Poor Claire! She has no idea about anything anymore. What is reality or what is fiction is all up for grabs.

Does she have siblings or not?

What's up with her husband Paul? Is he not a Mr. Shady type persona....or is he truly in love with her?

What's up with her father Tony and her mother Angela?

How many lies can one family hold? Geez!!

What of DNA and why is it important here?

"An eye for an eye" by word!!

I'm off but not before telling you this is a must read!

Run don't walk!

In the end you get what you paid for or in this case bargained for as nobody is ever immune to the cycle of abuse when it has roots deep enough to take hold!


Book Review: "The Velvet Rope Economy" By Nelson D. Schwartz

The recent results from a Gallup Poll (Jan 2018) showed that 36% Americans are dissatisfied with the ability to get ahead by working hard!

This should not be a surprise for anyone working today for peanuts while exhausting themselves daily for 10c raises as Top Producers/Associate of the Months and whatever other title they wiggle in your face to try to achieve.

I know this because like many of you - I went from upper middle- to extreme poverty- now officially 'locked in' to the bottom row.

You might ask how? Well, divorce, bankruptcy, no child support for over a year living on credit to raise a family of four, legal/medical expenses, marital/credit debt, student loan debt (by way that MPA never used to raise 3 kids with son med disabled for life since birth.)

I mention this once again not for sympathy, not empathy, not compassion as I know that's not the norm today but to show that working hard is a farce as it's a tough competition today with not only the college kids but the low salaries, the stagnant wages, the lack of benefits and cutting hours just below F-T (yes I see you employers), and the work to death motto that leaves you with nothing more than higher medical bills.

How should I know as I worked at a factory as top producer in two departments while being video taped by my bosses to show others how it's done. The garbage guy who didn't work off conveyor, allowed to move freely w/o question, never begged for toilet breaks or fresh air circulation from dusty fans overhead made more than me working like a nut.
I was paid exactly $7.25 hr w 10cent raise with $25 one time bonuses for associate of the month awards.


I would add that same job pays the same wages from when I worked as a teen (now 47 next May.)

Is this the 'Make America Great Again' that they all spoke of so beautifully or are we being sold more empty promises and broken dreams (ps. Malignant Narcissist survivor too.)
So, yes, when I say the welfare to work is to force others into employment w/o care or concern for safety or survival - I MEAN IT!

You see while in extreme poverty my son (19 yo now full time college) was taken off SSI/SSP in March just before graduating high school in May and ironically the same day the welfare to work took effect.

Now push forward a few months he then enrolled full time night classes at college (1st yr freshman) and he has his food stamps taken away...and they wonder why colleges now have food banks inside of them?

What the hell is wrong with people?

You see my family and I were left bankrupt and homeless after divorcing an abusive spouse with an active pfa and violation w his arrest and 3 month probation for enrollment into alcohol and drug and anger management courses.

A warrant was issued for his failure to pay and appear for court and child support w 15 k arrears.

I had given up career to raise med disabled son w vater syndrome for 19 yrs.
I have looked for a job since 2010 (separation) and 2013 (divorce) w 3 interviews this after attending job fairs, networking, referrals, cold calls, begging, placing resumes online after updating at undergrad colleges, with linkedin business accounts, etc...

I was just passed up with my 20 yrs volunteering experience and Points of Light Award for a college girl who was basically on the yearbook staff as a content writer even though I currently work unpaid as a national trade blogger with over 9 major publications producing over 1k reviews yearly at Goodreads/NetGalley and having won every award for high reviews and stats.

So folks, please do continue with the hard work pays nonsense but it's not what you do it's who you know, how much money you possess, and what your age, race, and other factors like class and credit are in today's world.

You see those w/o credit can't get jobs, nor housing, nor will landlords rent to those w kids or past abuse histories. This is fact!

You might also not be aware that shelters won't take in women and kids nope just women and they must not be in the facility during the day but seeking work.
EBT is not a handout but handup and I know this all too well as I continue to dispose of the myths and misconceptions having had my food insecurities told to every member of Congress in Community Voices.

So sure, when those who've been fed the lies approach me I want to rip their heads off because the stories about welfare recipients and the abuse of the system or the character judgement is so off center and made to be a 'catch all or nothing' response.

The facts are when you have welfare providing more income than minimum wage employment than you have yourself a huge problem! In Pennsylvania, it's $6.53 more income!

Now, if you have to support a family and you can't get paid a 'living wage' to raise a family wouldn't you make the same choice others are now being forced to make? 

Would you think this is milking or survival? You tell me.

What if you needed benefits because your family member was disabled or suffered other lifelong illnesses or ailments? What if I told you employers deliberately pay under 40 hrs to not provide benefits. Would you think less of others for seeking benefits to survive? Or in my case with spinal stenosis causing leg paralysis, raynaud's phenomenon, severe anemia w dyspnea, vater syndrome, and much, much, more.

This is reality folks and though the 'GET A JOB' comments are enduring they are not reality for many especially those my age or older who can't get hired from age discrimination.
If you think it doesn't exists I ask why would a company wish to hire a LT unemployed homemaker whose overqualified and lacks prior work experience with a family of 4 to support on benefits and flex schedules when they can easily go to greener pastures with a college student that is young and not often seeking such accolades to survive but rather need to get foot in door to start the dreaded loan process or deferment.

In fact, you cannot write off those student loans in bankruptcy so good luck with all that debt.

The author illustrates a point when he notes, 82% said income inequality is a major problem according to his research from Pew Research Center - Oct 2017.

In essence, the middle class is being hollowed out every day as we enter a feudal system for the top 1% rather than a sustainable working class capitalist system.

If you want the truth I provide this video from my former boss; President of Al Beech, a local food bank for which I volunteered. Here she puts on full display the myths and misconceptions she herself had which resembled what many now believe and how wrong she was in her own professional words.

For more information about poverty, EBT, food insecurities and more please visit my profile or check out these links and then tell me hard work pays:

PG 38 to see my story told by Rose DeLauro (D-Conn)

Blogs on the topics of LT Unemployment and Extreme Poverty:

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Book Review: "True To Me" By Kay Bratt

Staying true to self is what life is all about with these wonderful host of characters.

The authentically you version and in this case we see that up close and personal.

The importance of marrying not for money but for love and how life can throw us curves in time's of peril.

What we thought was a downfall could turn to be quite the blessing.

Can money buy happiness?

Can love win in the end?

Will DNA truly be the most important factor here?

Will Quinn and Ethan ever find their happy place?

Could Maui be that spot they always dreamed?

Ahhh....Stay tuned as this book was magical!

Book Review: "A Warning" Anonymous

Once again here we are wondering how did we ever get ourselves into this mess?

What were the moments that allowed someone so wrong to enter our most highest office of the land?

What can we do to alter the current situation and how can we move forward from this state of chaos?

What I enjoyed was the mere look into a person who has been termed to be suffering from many different issues one of which is a personality trait disorder.

I cannot diagnose from afar based on the Goldwater Rule but I can tell you that my knowledge of malignant narcissism spans over 13 yrs having married one and subsequently discarded and devalued by one.

The similarities in general layman terms is striking and this book addresses not just opinion but fact in a manner that is easy to read and understand.

Why is that critical?

Many aren't aware of the importance of what's in plain view and are in denial even when striking evidence is presented and on full display.

Let's take a closer look:

In my local area of Luzerne County Pa we helped put DT on the map -NO not that map of sharpies- the one that helped get him elected.

Now don't ask why but it has to do with the almighty ego, the alpha males, the lack of employment, the low salaried wages, and so much more. That gun ho- take no prisoners-full steam ahead mannerism that is despicable to the average intellectual citizen.

This is my issue as we've had a growing number in Northeastern PA exit out in search of greener pastures and higher salaried positions with room for advancements and nicely wrapped benefit packages

Those left behind are not what DT would term 'the best and the brightest' so it's no small wonder why the pull for the mob mentality works here.

People are generally tired, they want change, they need change, the middle class is all but null and void and our democracy has now tanked.

Folks, there's an old saying if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

Or perhaps if you lie down with a dog you will get fleas.

As a navy veteran's daughter, as the daughter of a politician, and a wife of a politician with over 20 yrs of serving in governmental offices including OBP in DC - I can tell you that there's a certain 'thick skin' one must possess for such work but also some degree of narcissism.

Sure, we all want to be powerful and while certain aspects of that fight to get to the top is warranted the latter is on point and always in the spotlight here.

You see it's that need for that constant attention, adulation, praise that we see in every photo op, every tweet, every interaction daily.

I can't call this person by his title but I will simply refer to it as DT for my purposes here.

This person ruled with an iron fist and that appealed to many for many reasons.

However, what they refuse to acknowledge is the Jekyll and Hyde persona. The lack of attention to detail. The inability to make educated choices with a staff worthy of recognition.

In fact it's that high turnover which puts our nation in jeopardy.

It's that off the cuff reaction, those temper tantrums, the knee jerk responses to that grandiose ego that makes everyone fearful.

Look, you might sit and think, "But look at what he's doing for us." Really? I ask much like Janet Jackson asked, "What has he done for me lately?"

This is the point we must ask ourselves * Are we willing to turn a blind eye to his actions, his alleged wrongdoings that are criminal, and to his complete disregard for our Constitution?

If you don't care than why did you vote him in?

If you want change than you need to get active and start to vote them all out!

Government is for the people by the people and nowhere does it say for the benefit of the leader, the one, the god , the superior!

Narcissists in general operate from a false sense of self. They are able to manipulate, gaslight, project, mirror, brainwash, triangulate, hoover, smear, blame/shame, and threaten into submission.

It's this mob like mentality that will blindly lead the loyal harem of followers and enablers right off the cliff.

What has always alarmed me as in this case is the evidence is on the wall, it's spoken from the horses mouth, it's witnessed in plain sight yet the excuses pour on like gravy to cover up and hide and restate facts.

There should not be a 'us vs them' mentality but there now is!

There should not be a 'new norm' of operation but there is!

When did we lose sight of what's most important to all of us across both sides of the aisle?

We need a 'steady state' as the author illustrates and explains so eloquently.

This is not a left or right or center issue.

His inattentiveness and his impulsiveness in making the top decisions must be made with careful precision, with expertise and knowledge, with accountability and responsibility and dare one say transparency.

He works for us! The citizens of this great nation!

The executive branch is falling apart. "The White House is simply broken."

"Most concerning are the one third of 'things the president wants us to do [that] would be flat out illegal."
This above quote should alarm each and everyone of us!

Often times people want to find fault and point fingers.

However, in this case it's the constant lies, the constant blame, the shifting of the norms, the pitting of one vs the other that's dangerous.

He's creating a rift that will take years to heal and is putting our nation at risk of some dangerous repercussions.

His lack of how government functions, his inability to be 'non trigger happy', his lack of clear,concise,& in many cases credible statements are dangerous.

You can only continue to ignore actions and character for so long. The excuses must end and the beginning of examining the denial and nievity must start to surface.

Why are so many going to bat for a man who is so disloyal to them? Why is their such high turnover with lack of fulfilled positions and lack of qualified staff with nothing more than nepotism in hiring?

Why when DT does something wrong is the W.H. so quick to fleece America with an alternative reality?
Are Americans not able to form their own intellectual opinions without the need for 'Rush Limbaughs' of the world or 'Fox News analysts?

What worries me is people take him at his word and for narcissists in general their word is nothing more than empty promises, broken dreams, and trails of discard, devalue, and destruction.

Sure these toxic individuals are nothing more than black bottomless pits in need of attention and vanity but they also operate with a self serving agenda. One that serves only ONE with nothing more than supply and benefits.

Once the targets stop supply they will go elsewhere without so much as a good bye. In other words everyone is at his/her mercy of the narc. In plain language everyone is disposable as we've seen.

For those who are pro supporters I ask you this how is it everyone around his inner most circle has been indited on criminal charges yet we are let to believe he's the only not guilty party?

Yet, he notes himself he can "stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody" and not "lose any voters" and quite frankly he's right.

I've longed learned in dealing with malignant narcs in general that they seek to win at all costs and to destroy their competition or anyone who is challenging them or feels superior to them.

They are competitive and adapt by becoming chameleons able to alter their persona just enough to blend in with their surroundings.

Behind closed doors is when the real work begins and that's what's so hard for those without knowledge of such toxicity to fully comprehend.

Devils don't come dressed up with horns!

They appear as ordinary as anyone else yet they are destructive, damaging, and deadly!

They appear believable and credible as they sell the 'Kool Aid' and are able to sell themselves as con artists but there's no substance behind the mask.

As Americans - "We should invest in someone whose virtues outweigh their vices."
My malignant narcissist once termed me as nothing more than a 'kept woman' and a 'business partner' after 11 yr marriage with 3 kids together.

I say this not for sympathy, not to compare, but to show that these individuals lack accountability, remorse, empathy, forgiveness, love, and every ounce of being that makes one human.

The isolation, the mind games, the constant fight or flight responses, the walking on eggshells, the smoke and mirrors ---IT'S ALL REAL!

This is who they are and they cannot change unless they accept their own actions and be the change.
We cannot hope, wish, pray, or try to box them into a corner, or even have them removed.

The best case is to avoid them , create boundaries, practice self love and make oneself a priority which is great if it wasn't the highest office of the land that we are examining and the fall out effect of having someone ill equipped to be in that seat.

"Normal people who spend anytime with Donald Trump are uncomfortable by what they witness."
This is your sign - it's a warning- a red flag- a gut reaction that something is terribly wrong.

Trust your gut instincts.

You know actions speak louder than words. Trust actions and never be fooled. Also the truth shall set your free.

All of this leads me to another point in that body language is crucial!

The love of money and luxury is not a crime but the Impeachment Hearings are about getting to the truth and allowing Congress to make the ultimate ruling.

Those who blindly follow are doing themselves a great disservice and it will be noted in history that they extinguished the light rather than stood up to the authoritarian state we now see in full display.
Donald Trump was originally a Democrat. He switched parties and yet many are unaware that he's not a 'conservative' but rather "The Wolf in Elephant's clothing."

We cannot get caught up in the 'eye candy' and the 'golden exterior' as fun as it may be.
We have to keep checks and balances and we must protect our Constitution and our Democracy!
United States debt rose to 22 trillion under DT in office with prior numbers under Obama as 1.4 trillion in '09 and down to 587 billion in 2016 right before leaving office.

In essence, DT has us on a fast track for bankruptcy and who better to know about all that than the man himself whose had several filed on record.

Sure we can seek fault and we can blame and or shame but wouldn't we be better to acknowledge we are all flawed and allow each one respect and dignity rather than anger and outbursts.

This is not my new norm but it's for many becoming the land of the 'alphas' and I for one am 'appalled.'
We are better than this and we cannot allow history to repeat itself.

"His words are reshaping who we are."

This constant merry go round or hamster wheel is exhausting. The days of non stop coverage is nauseating.

I no longer watch tv because everything is for his benefit even negative is twisted to give him an advantage of free air time.

It's the me, Me, ME syndrome.

So, I leave with this by Hayek, " To be a useful assistant in the running of a totalitarian state it is not enough that a man should be prepared to accept specious justification of vile deeds. Since it is the supreme leader who alone determines the ends, his instruments must have no moral convictions of their own. They must, above all, be unreservedly committed to the person of the leader."

"Ultimately, their willingness to act in ways they know are wrong becomes their route to a promotion."
It's a rule by force out of fear of retaliation and or those seeking benefits scenario that I've personally encountered far too often and it needs to end.

Remember one thing: Even fool's gold shines!


For more information please see my profile and or reviews:

 Ben Haskett's review that I personally enjoyed reading:

Book Review: Noel Street By Richard Paul Evans

The power of forgiveness, of hope, of love are found on Noel Street and re-united with the rightful owners!

What a memorable read with so many interesting and vivacious characters that warm your heart and make you reach out to help and honor them all.

Is their anything more courageous than fighting for your country and dying to protect the home of the free because of the brave?

A Vietnam Veteran and a powerhouse waitress with much love in her heart end up in a situation that not many could understand and far fewer could relate too.

It appears there's a message that must be delivered but who knew it would end up resulting in much more than anyone bargained.

I love the warmth this exuded, the compassion, the level of greatness it achieved in showing that Veterans are not to be cast aside but rather to never be forgotten.

May they never be forgotten and may all those vets who are suffering know they are truly never alone.

Help is available for those who need it and I pray they find it as far too often issues are left ignored.

A remarkable read by an author I simply adore and love.

Book Review: Holding on to Nothing By Elizabeth Chiles Shelburne

One mistake can change your life!

This is one of those situations in which I needed something unique to read after a slump of thrillers that weren't so appealing.

This gem was a diamond in the rough at the local library as it's not something I'd normally gravitate to yet it was so worth the wait.

As a non drinker I don't know the 'hangover' feeling or the 'buzz' that many speak but I do know that not everyone drinks with the intensity seen here.

With that said, alcoholism is a 'disease' and is not easily cured and my heart breaks for those suffering.

This case was so tragic in so many ways but when lives are in jeopardy that's when one must rethink their own ways and get the help they need before tragedy strikes.

I don't want to give too much away, but suffice to say, this one moved me in so many ways beyond the norm.

That hope for a cure, for a change, for the light of self worth and respect....It's a hope that cannot be given but must be earned.

It's often said sometimes you must watch from afar because words alone are not enough to break the cycle.

I know in abuse it's much the same with a perpetrator that is loved by many yet so few know that deep hurt, that yearning to be free, that cycle that's vicious.

You cannot own another's actions or behaviors and far too often we see this in abuse in which the Stockholm Syndrome is which the captive identifies with the captor.
In counseling others it's important to note that we are only responsible for our own actions and in this situation it's wise to acknowledge those actions and protect oneself rather than try to be the catalyst for change.

Change can only begin with acknowledgement, accountability, responsibility, and an action to want change.

This story was beyond powerful as a young woman finds herself in a predicament in which 'all it takes is one time' to get impregnated with 'second thoughts' about the father.

It appears he comes from a long family history of 'trouble' and nobody has truly given him a chance to change because he seems to always fall back on his word.

One of the reasons many stay in abuse is because of the 'promise to change' that appeal, that hope, that dream that everything can be flipped like a switch with love at the helm.
Sadly, that's why many get killed! It's a recipe for disaster in playing with fire which always leads to someone getting burned.

I truly hope everyone reads this and follows the warning signs because plenty of red flags were ignored here.

A powerhouse hitter of a debut in which I look forward to more by this amazing new author.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Book Review: "I See You" By Mary Burton

The apple never falls too far from the tree...Keep that in mind when reading!

Now onto the show:
Cycle of abuse is on a continuum but in this case it might be led by more than mere coincidence?

Timing is a factor, along with modus operandi, and add to this mix the mental stability.
This is one heck of a situation that is now being investigated and put forth with the help of an anonymous tip leading to unearth human remains in an apartment building.

However, it doesn't end there as we also have a series of murders against prostitutes that need answers.

So, enter Zoe(FBI Agent) who must piece it all together through facial reconstruction through tedious sculpting as well as a homicide detective named William Vaughn.
Both are working the leads and both are churning up evidence.

Could it be coincidental that the 1st victims sister and daughter both turn up missing?
I'll tell you never have I had my heart pound like I did with this one and certainly not right up till the end.

This was magnificent!

Thank you to the publisher and author for reaching out to give me an advanced copy.
You see why Mary Burton is one of my fav thriller writers.

Her work is not only tedious it's shockingly real and keeps you at bay until the very hair splitting end.

The twist and turns are beautifully laid out throughout and that ending. MUAHHH!

Book Review: "Bad Memory" By Lisa Gray

One question - Why did she ever wait so long?

We may never know the answer but the plea to find the truth may have needed plenty of time to sort out fact from fiction especially in this small town.

Guilt v Innocence - What ever happened to the idea of 'based on the preponderance of evidence' and 'everyone deserves a chance to defend themselves in a court of law?'

It seems more and more these days we are seeing innocent people being locked up on death row for crimes they never committed and worse still they can't get appealed or heard without some type of 'celebrity or presidential' involvement. Why?

In Bad Memory it's all about suppression of the mind and how each character has a specific role to play but that doesn't always lead to murder and Jessica is determined to get to the bottom of this mess.

She must because lives are on the line including her own.

It's crazy the things people do to hide from the truth but in the end the truth shall set you free.

I've always noted you can run but you can't hide and that is never more fitting than right here.

The entire money at the root of all evil and the hiring out to find the truth is perfect.

A great new read by the one and only Lisa Gray.

Book Review: "Akin" By Emma Donoghue

This was one of those that felt like a blast of craziness mixed with some unbelievable hot messes.

First, the main guy Noah was ready to dart for a trip to France when he gets an unexpected delivery in the form of his great nephew Michael.

If that's not odd enough he needs emergency interim care as his mom was just jailed.
Oh, and don't forget the odd photos uncovered in the dead sisters room?


Not quite what one expects based on the lovely cover image and so the moral of the story, "Don't judge a book by the cover!"

Darn it...but the Nancy Drew feel just wasn't my cup of tea but I could be just miserable from being sick literally nauseous all week so there's that too.

I don't know what to say, other than to see what you think, and get back to me.

Book Review: "The Dressmaker's Gift" By Fiona Valpy

I'm often asked how I rate a book and I'm glad it's asked because I've seen other reviewers rate based how they like the characters, unexpected v expected outcome, historical factors even if fiction based, but rarely do you hear about the writing, the plot, the flow, etc.

I'm one that also adds on more to this mix:emotions. In the end, would it be something I'd recommend to others? Did it stir up the creative juices? Was it moving and heartfelt and captured the moment even if not an accurate portrayal?

If I answered yes then for me that book deserves a higher rating and this is one such case.
I always preview my book blogger/reviewer opinions and take them to heart before I set my own review out there.

In this case I disagree with many when they comment on inherited trauma and whether or not it was wise to bring this into an already heavy mix of dark and depressive formats including the horrendous time frame involving Nazi occupation.

I believe it's better to have placed this in here for discussion and for insight because it will get others talking.

With this said I didn't mind the back and forth time lines nor did I mind the fact that the granddaughter magically ended up right where she was meant to be in examining the past.
Can one die of a broken heart?

Can the past be re-written?

Will the closure be evident?

I can't imagine the horror or the pain those during WWII experienced but I've read plenty to get an understanding of how I hope history doesn't repeat itself.

Will these characters ever reunite: Together in life and death?

Now that's the ultimate question here and I love the way the author addressed it all in her own way!


Book Review: "The Little Bookshop on the Seine" By Rebecca Raisin

Who doesn't want to hop on board and take off to Paris- The land of romance, intrigue, and suspense?

As I pack my bags let me just tell you that this little bookshop has made quite a mark for itself.

The heroine of this is non other than Sarah Smith who sadly has to play second fiddle to Ridge her hot romance partner.

However, Ridge is well...busy...yes with another woman ...a photographer and seems caught in between the have your cake and the eat it too ideal world.

So, if anything I'd hope the secondary characters would add some appeal but unfortunately for me the secondary folks seemed to not hit the mark .

The romance if you will pardon the term is more of a flare up for nothing more than sexual encounters rather than the allure, the thrill of the chase, or the love & adventure of the coupling.

It was lacking in a back story about the characters that I would've found more helpful and appealing to the plot instead of going in blind and expecting readers to know the back flow.
All in all not too bad especially with the excitement once in Paris.

Thank you to the author for this ARC in exchange for this honest review.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Book Review: "Just Watch Me"

A heist with a master manipulator and disguise artist --Count me in!

This had all the earmarks of a splendid thriller with plenty of action -or at least in the beginning- as for me I lost interest rather quickly.

While I knew Reilly was our man I had a hard time with the intro's to the other individuals involved in all this 'wheeling and dealing' scenario.

With this said, the lovely accomplice near the end would be great for the male counterparts but it's much like James Patterson's works when he throws in a sexy gal or in this case an art forger to garnish a little buzz to help it all along. While she may have stirred the pot I didn't feel that extra spark.

This was good but not great for me.

However, I hope this finds you well and I hope you enjoy this one as variety is the spice of life

Book Review: "Willing to Die" By Lisa Jackson

That moment when you go all in and stick with it only to become disengaged near the mid to end of the book.

This is what happened for me when we learn this couple is killed in bizarre fashion.
The family left behind all become suspects while it's pieced back together in terms of evidence.

Nothing is as it seems with some crazy action in between that just made me lose interest.
For the thriller fans they know Lisa Jackson is top notch so perhaps it's just me but I'd love to hear your thoughts on it so feel free to leave a comment for me and tell me what you think.

Book Review: "The Perfect Widow" By A.M. Castle

Just when you feel a character like Louise has the world by the horns along comes a shocker like death to interrupt the balance of 'power'.

This is surely a 'lusty' situation in which she seems to have her cake and eat it too or shall I say two.

Well, look I'm all for what's good for the goose is good for the gander but this one was way out and hard to reel back in.

With this said it was also equally challenging trying to simply read and follow along because of the lack of space between paragraphs to name just one of several issues.

As for the substance it just seemed like crazy action with an infatuated woman who learns of her husband's cheating ways and decides to make it all fair game.

Surely, she might just get what she hoped in the end but it was hard to sift through 
the shifting time lines and the cramped space here.

Thank you for this ARC in exchange for this honest review.