Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Book Review: "The God Game" By Danny Tobey

Loyalty has a price! Are you willing to pay that price?

Is cruelty a learned behavior?

High tech meets virtual world!

Come one -Come all!

Welcome to a video game controlled by hackers and run by GOD? Or at least the system believes it to be true!

"Do you have the balls to stare God in the face to say, I'm done with you?"

Well ....

Now, "You might note believe in God, but God believes in you."

That moment when you pray for just a few more minutes with a loved one.

That time in which desperation sets in and the mind goes South not knowing right from wrong because of severe pain and heartbreak.

That moment when the world seems to exclude you rather than invite you in.
So now what?

It's all about worship and obeying the one!

Stay loyal and get rewarded but falter and well....

If you complete your mission no matter how cruel, how dishonest, how ridiculous you will win but beware--secrets will be revealed and dreams crushed!

Now what about the original premise of it all?

What if you lose and die? Do you actually perish from this Earth or the virtual reality?
What about that Golden Rule?

Matthew 7:12 - 'So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them.'
So, I wonder now 'For he so loved the world that he gave his only son.'
But, "Why didn't he love me?"

It's true this game could make or break 'em while equally confirming their fears!
Alex begged to hear one thing," We want you."

So much activity here with viruses, virtual bots, hackers v vindicators, and characters that are just pure golden.

I guess all that's left to know is this --God is invisible!

Shutting down in 5...4....3....2...1......


Thank you for this gifted copy in exchange for this honest review.

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