Monday, November 11, 2019

Book Review: "Permanent Record" By Edward Snowden

Unless you lived under a rock you know the story by now with the release of classified United States government surveillance programs, the asylum to Moscow, the mass surveillance that he helped to build for which he has now helped to expose and bring down.

I knew very little about Edward Snowden until he made front page news but I do deserve everyone has the right to be heard so I offer up this book.

It's one full of insight and intrigue. Cutting edge technology meets Big Brother's watchful eyes.

I can't imagine the roller coaster ride of emotions in trying to do what's right as a 'whistleblower' to coming to terms that your own country wanted you silenced.

How this connection was made , how it all began, how it all ended was not only interesting but should be compelling to most in sounding the alarms.

When government becomes larger than life in every facet of a private citizens domain it should be cause for concern.

I only hope this is the wake up call America needs to understand the extent of such a violation of privacy.

Boundaries, transparency, and tighter restrictions need to be in place.

A fab read that was written in a manner that screams for action!

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