Monday, November 18, 2019

Book Review: "Triggered" By Donald Trump Jr.

"Donald Trump Jr.'s book "Triggered" has topped the New York Times best-seller list, but a small dagger symbol next to the listing raised suspicions that it might be at the top of the pile because of bulk orders.

The dagger symbol, (†), is used to indicate when a title is linked to "Institutional, special interest, group, or bulk purchases," according to The New York Times.

A tweet posted on November 5 shows an email from Trump in which signed copies of "Triggered" were offered by the Republican National Committee to anyone making a donation of $50 or more.*"
*from Business Insider -

Now with this said, I will say this about malignant narcissists in general - They never quit seeking to destroy!

Look folks, there's two ways you can go about this: Blindly off the cliff and not caring that your Democracy is in jeopardy or caring enough to get involved via voting and other forms of the Constitution and Due Process.

You can also note I have some experience in dealing with malignant narcissists having happily divorced one in 2013 (See profile for full bio) and while I cannot diagnose from afar known as the Goldwater Rule I can state that generally speaking they will use what's termed 'gaslighting' to their advantage. If you're not familiar with this term you must get acquainted as it's exactly what is being sold here.

What this family is accusing others of doing is exactly what they are doing or have already done!

I've always noted you cannot trust anyone these days nor can you rely upon their statements as facts. Trust actions and never be fooled. Empty promises, broken dreams, trails of destruction, and financial disasters are all common.

The lack of empathy, accountability, blame shifting, lack of responsibility, and the extent upon the anger shown in the defensive stance is nauseating.

The fact is they are not going to be authentic and true to self. These toxic individuals in 'general' terms operate from a false sense of self.
In terms of child rearing and or family including spouses -they are all viewed as secondary to the ONE.

You see there can be only ONE! It's the rule that others must remain loyal , vigilant, and give high praise to this god like creature of vanity and grandiose ego's.

The manipulation, the threats, the intimidation, the blackmail, the constant fight or flight responses are all normal daily occurrences that are exhausting upon the targets.

Targets are sought after for nothing more than a source of supply and benefits. When you are no longer seen as 'valuable' you will be discarded and devalued.

This has been witnessed with the high turnover, the lack of transparency, the lack of leadership and skilled staff and the lack of filled positions (permanently) with only acting staffers.

Yes, it does appear there's plenty of acting and trust me I know the warning signs as I council others to beware and protect oneself from these dangers.

These toxic individuals are nothing more than empty bottomless pits of darkness that are never satisfied.

It's a constant give but never reciprocated type of relationship.
With regard to the children they must obey at all costs. Yes, they are nothing more than pawns begging for attention and adulation.

I read the statements about the father being wrapped up into work and this appears as noteworthy of holding value. Sadly, these narcissists in general terms lack love, they lack the ability to see from another's viewpoint, they lack the ability to be concerned about anyone other than themselves.

They are selfish, egotistical, and down right mean and moody daily.
It's a constant walking on eggshells in which you never know what you will get that day.

The kids are set into roles such as the golden boy or the scapegoat and their behaviors are adjusted according. In essence, the kids live for the parent and cannot show emotions, feelings, or any rebellious ways.

They simply due as told and pray they make it through the hamster wheel that's constantly churning.

Even as they age, the narcs are not content. They will even into later years still seek to find fault, to blame, to coerce, and to smear the reputation of others.

I can only hope that America wakes up and fast!
Constant lies, constant false accusations, constant brainwashing and mind games are the new norm.

The fake news is for a reason. So too, are those smoke screens, fog, and mirrors.

It's based on projection images you hope to like and not reality.
It's about buying into the brand and selling snake oil.

It's about con artists (in general terms) at their finest hours doing what they've had years to perfect.

Look you can't have everyone in your inner circle and on your staff criminally charged and hope that others truly believe you're not in some way connected to it. Or can you?

Well, we shall see as the Impeachment hearings continue to churn out the evidence against 'DT' and so we will let the legal experts into this mix.

I can tell you this, there's a fear, an intimidation, a constant monitoring alert that survivors know all too well.

So, stay safe and proceed with caution as the road is about to get bumpy ahead!

You cannot excuse it all away!

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