Saturday, November 9, 2019

Book Review: "Darling Rose Gold" By Stephanie Wrobel

The tide is turning!!!!!

Revenge is SWEET.....

Manipulation, gaslighting, projection, mirroring...the whole thing is here.

“It was easier to manipulate someone if they didn’t perceive you as a threat.”

Have you ever heard of the Golden Child and or the Scapegoat?

This reminds me of that toxic environment in which loyalty is expected , the child is molded, the child is nothing more than a prop to be used for a source of identity. So, what happens when the victim aka survivor decides that the cycle must end?

It's a knock down like no other and worthy of the Oscars!

Welcome Home Patty!

Oh my wait a second! What is wrong with Rose? What about Patty's past history of abuse?
Imagine this scenario. Your daughter Rose has spent a lifetime battling the demons from within. Thinking she was seriously ill as she spent her precious time in and out of hospitals. Only to find out it was you all along.

SNAP! Your own daughter just testified against you and landed your arse in prison for poisoning her.

Now of course you're asking where's the father?

It turns out he remarried and his darling wife is about to welcome some good news into the world.

Let the Phoenix ashes rise...

No victims only survivors!

So, now let's not focus on the past...

Oh, wait did I mention Rose is about to give birth....Don't ask but her mom is about to become a grandmother.

How will this welcome wagon come to terms?

Having been a product of a toxic situation I will tell you this the best revenge is walking away and doing well.

Well enough, that Rose bought her own childhood home to raise her newborn.

Ironically, now we just wait ...Karma train is pulling up...Proceed with caution!

Be careful because you might think you have this baby figured out, but folks if you've not been in a toxic situation especially with personality trait disorders you may not realize they operate from a false sense of self. They need constant attention. Constant adulation and praise.

Who comes out on top of this toxicity will be the one who refuses to live a lie..

I love when a plan comes together and Stephanie you nailed it!

“The debt between a child and her mother could never be repaid, like running a foot race against someone fifteen miles ahead of you. What hope did you have of catching up?”

Thank you to Stephanie &Berkley (you rock) for providing me several gifted copies with Darling Rose Gold at the Top of this Thriller fans list.

I hope this review finds everyone well and I hope you enjoy this new work.

It was magnificent!

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