Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Book Review: "The Heartless" By David Putnam

When crime becomes personal and revenge becomes sweet!

From deputy to bailiff -- Bruno-- thought life would be smooth sailing from here on out. His one goal was to spend more time with Olivia his daughter.

Unfortunately, a crazed killer had other ruthless crimes to commit and went after the biggest prize of them all -- FAMILY!

Now the violence he'd once thought he left behind has suddenly catapulted to a new realm and with it comes the realization that not everything is coming up rainbows and roses.
Life throws curves! You must learn to roll with the punches!

One thing is certain once a cop always a cop.

Seek and destroy mission is now upon us!

Meanwhile, Olivia has her own secrets to process.

That constant egg shell moment. The constant fight or flight. The never ending cycle of abuse. Feeling unsafe is now paramount on everyone's minds within a world full of anger and hostility.

Humanity is meant to incorporate empathy and compassion which is often missing these days.

I was thrilled beyond belief to receive a gifted and signed copy.

Thank you so much to David& his publisher for keeping reviewers and bloggers like myself happy!

I highly recommend this amazing new work!

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