Monday, September 2, 2019

Book Review: "The Chocolate Maker's Wife" By Karen Brooks

"The important thing is not to get swallowed by the darkness. To remember, even when the shadows grow long and you fear they will consume you, there's still light in the world. You just need to find it."

The setting is during London's Restoration under Charles II and progresses from being dirt poor to marrying a wealthy and powerful man &for Rosamund the illegitimate daughter of a noble man it was quite fascinating to follow her journey especially after escaping her abusive stepfather.

She transforms both personally and professionally especially with regards to the chocolate house.

The book covers an important time during 17th century London including the plague, the Great Fires, and so much more.

Sir Everard really changed the course of her life that day he nearly ran her over with his coach in offering her 'an opportunity like no other' which was for all intense purposes a chance to escape her current life.

However, those plans have been hidden in the past family secrets and threatens to bring down the Blithman name for good.

One man bringeth and one man taketh away is the story of this one and she's hell bent on making a name for herself and her family. 

"A devil and an angel would see the beauty in each other and joy would be reborn, tenfold, a hundred fold; joy with all its bittersweet promise."

There's joy in chocolate making and Hershey is the place to be and the man to confide in.
Time to set sail with all the fleets in place including but not limited to the Blithman, Matthew's Odyssey, London, and Black Eagle for the New World.

A damning indictment exists on humanity here and its production of chocolate involving the Quakers. 

I've lived near Hershey all my life roughly hr or so drive & I had no idea the research Karen has uncovered here. I'm sure all that chocolate was hard to overcome. Too all chocolate lovers and historical fiction fans this one is a must!

Fascinating read!!

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