Saturday, September 14, 2019

Book Review: "Very Nice" By Marcy Dermansky

"A brilliantly funny novel of money, sex, race, and bad behavior in the post-Obama era, featuring a wealthy Connecticut divorcée, her college-age daughter, and the famous American novelist who is seduced by them both."

The above caption describes the action here as it's plenty of bed hopping, herpes infected, sexual inuendos and disgusting behavior but the worst is trying to read it while in front of your children's catholic school and profanity comes up and you hurriedly flip the pages.
I'm all for adults doing there thing but this involved a mother and daughter duo so it rubbed me the wrong way and sent the wrong message.

It all begins with Rachel and her doting writing professor Zahid who is a man-child with a grandiose ego.

Ladies he's the guy you run from not agree to watch his poodle while he goes away on a business trip or whatever it is he does besides cheating on multiple woman at once.

There are sexual oriented relationships with a black lesbian named Khloe whose drinking leads to thoughts of Jane her childhood sitter and plenty of crazy action but in the end you must be careful because sometimes the crap you sling comes back to bite ya in the arse.

All in all the rotating voices gives you insight into their relationships from within including plenty of he said she said action.

That ending was like the icing on the cake (no pun intended)....Ughhh!

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