Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Book Review: "Elevator Pitch" By Linwood Barclay

For someone who is claustrophobic with a fear of heights elevators have never been top on my lists especially those old creaky ones.

Lord knows you never know but this new work brings to light just how much can go wrong especially if one has a shady past and seeks to harm others.

I will never look at an elevator the same so thank you Mr. Barclay!

No really #GoingDown is not for me but this book is soaring to new heights and for good reason.

It turns out several elevators in several locations are having problems resulting in death.
However, the connections to them all are not quite as obvious.

Could the issues be caused from mechanical failure, inexperienced technicians, or something far worse like a terrorist running rampant in NYC?

What is known is we've already experienced 4 deaths from a free falling elevator, we just had 1 beheading from exiting an elevator between floors, and another 2 people crushed to death and now add 3 killed in NYC taxi that blew up and surely we have our hands full.

Could all these be related? Could there be a sabotage underway? Could these elevators be hacked from the outside with a specific device?

What I can note is Linwood Barclay has written a superb novel full of action, mystery, and suspense that leads readers to fear the worse and hope for the best.

In closing, "The things we do, the decisions we make, the way we treat other people, it all becomes part of the equation."

You can bet there was a reason this was written at the time it was written and I hope readers get to that point in which the light bulb moments turns on.

A fab read that I highly recommend!

Thank you to my fellow book blogger Jessica Robins @Twitter @JessMaPreviews for this copy!

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