Sunday, April 12, 2020

Book Review: "Hiding in Plain Sight" By Sarah Kendzior

You can't excuse it away. It's not behavioral. It's a personality trait disorder & it's dangerous.
The problem is nobody wants to admit they were dooped just like nobody wants to take accountability and responsibility for putting this danger upon us all.

So, the blame, shame, shifting of responsibility and finger pointing is on full steam ahead even during a pandemic.

I've noted it myself and have felt strongly that the constant living in a fight or flight response is not the norm. The degradation of women's rights, the taking away from the impoverished, the rise of inequality for the top 1% has to end yet it only continues to get worse.


Because everyone is afraid of the 'monster'....

Nobody wants to be the next target, the next victim, the next source of supply.

As someone who married and then thankfully divorced a malignant narcissist 11 yrs later (with 3 kids from union) I can tell you this is only the tip of the iceberg.

What you don't see is the shy cunning and manipulative ways that many wouldn't believe even if you documented such as I with pics of abuse, police records/reports, legal paperwork, banking statements to show the financial instabilities and deceit, and taxes...YES, taxes because they are in effect nothing more than financial disasters.

In fact, knowing we were headed for divorce mine immediately sold off everything of value, emptied all accounts including mutual funds/stock/bonds/college funds, emptied all real estate value including mortgaging all property taking out all lines of credit for home equity loans, and more.

I can't begin to tell you how dangerous these individuals are but I assure you even with the 'smoking gun' nobody will believe you.

What happens is called a smear campaign against the truth tellers.

Anything you say or do will be denied, twisted, ignored, slipped under, and silenced by use of threats, fear, intimidation, manipulation, gaslighting, and more.

Surely, the last thing people want is the truth because it doesn't fit the agenda.
Most believe in inherent goodness and that's why it's so hard to believe anyone could be deceitful and operate off a false sense of self.

Those who lack empathy, compassion, responsibility, accountability, and need this constant ego stroking for attention, adulation, praise and benefit to ONE will line up behind one another and go off the cliff together just to be by their leader.

They will adhere to everything the leader notes because they dare not question it for themselves.
They truly believe what he sells is more than a brand, a name, a false sense of hope, and more than just empty promises and broken dreams.

Why should they seek the truth by simply following the destructive trail of the pasts much less simply opening their eyes to the current actions.

Remember this my friends- Actions speak louder than words.

Just like myself - it was hard to admit- that I was fooled.

That I believed in something that was simply smoke, mirrors, and fog in essence a bottomless pit.
When you begin to lose a sense of self, when you start playing detective, when you start questioning what the leader does you will uncover everything was in plain sight you just didn't want to see it.

It's hard to acknowledge and yet it must be done because you can't excuse what you see with your own two eyes playing out daily.

You have to trust your gut instincts and know that this is not nor will be the new norm and certainly not if any of us who know the truth have their say.

Please don't feed the narcs.

The worst thing you can do is continue to give them the spotlight because even negative attention for them is still attention.

Now, I speak from experience, but also in general layman terms towards malignant narcissism, since I can't diagnose from afar.

I know the truth, I know the end result, and all I can do is pray for the world to catch up because those who see the truth will not be silenced. Keep telling your story. Someday they will hear all of us.

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