Sunday, April 12, 2020

Book Review: "Hurry Home" By Roz Nay

"Blood is thicker than water... And it could cost you everything."

Truth be told this is a powerful story about Alexandra, her boyfriend Chase, and her sister Ruth.

Ruth was the demon child basically full of trouble since her early days while Alex as she was known was more the stable one with a career dealing with child protection.

Sure, nobody is perfect and these two sisters are deeply flawed. Notice I use the plural form.

As readers we are driven into a situation in which it feels like a power struggle and it becomes more a story about the powers of truth v the damaging deeds of years of continuous lies.

How far are you willing to deny the truth? How far will you go to protect a child?

Will the real fraudster please stand up....

You'd be surprised by the outcome on this one as it's not who you might think...
What was the saying about those who squawk the loudest have the most to hide and don't throw stones if you live in a glass house?

Ahhh! A great read that I hope you truly enjoy!

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