Saturday, April 18, 2020

Book Review: "How to Save a Life" By Liz Fenton and Lisa Steinke

Serendipity? Illusions? Premonitions? Or psychological disturbance?

Losing one's mind is one thing but going off the deep end even while for the sake of love may be quite another tear jerker of a dream that never quite ends.

What if you replayed a death but couldn't stop it from happening?

What if everything happens for a reason some that only the good Lord above knows and is never quite revealed or planned but you just can't alter or change the trajectory of life's soul purpose.

When people pass on we usually say sorry for your loss but what if a loss can be healing, a celebration of life, a path to greatness that you may not have seen otherwise because of grief, pain, and loss.

This was truly deep, emotionally draining, and thoroughly engaging.
It starts quite dramatically with a break up between Dom and Mia who later reconnect ten years later.

A date is set, a day at the fair should be fun, what could possibly go wrong?
It's Groundhog's Day (a time loop) that replays in the mind of that horrible day when everything went so terribly wrong.
We've all been there. Convinced to go on a fair ride, scared crapless of heights, or the trajectory of the ride as it bumps-grinds-whizzes faster and faster as such the case with this Zipper ride.

If only Dom listened to his heart and took that outer seat from Mia...If only he held on tighter -if only the G forces weren't so strong-if only he could take that life altering moment back.

Mia was his life-his love-his everything- but before we go there we must go back.

Back to a time of uncertainty-of questions-of unexplained feelings-jealousy-love- and cancelled plans.

They were engaged but he called it off and perhaps he now feels remorse and ridiculous for making such a quick judgement call.

The story is full of repercussions, second chances, and reliving moments of pain.
Can you learn a lesson, can you have second chances turn out right, can you fall in love again?

What if you save a life and something totally unexpected happens....

We are speaking from two time frames with ten years of separation and distance so plenty can happen and plenty does happen.

Lives change, feelings become fuzzy, memories become vague and faded...
What you might have thought you wanted in your earlier years may not be what you need and desire in your later years.

Lord knows (case in point) with this reviewer/blogger but I digress because this story will have you grabbing Kleenex quicker than anything.

These two besties (Liz and Lisa) have always had a special place in my heart. From the moment they participated in our local libraries bookclub discussions to the minute I read their first books I've been a fan and that love never waivered.

I love checking in on them and reading about their exciting lives in San Diego and beyond. Their adventures and their newest accomplishments, always on the go.

I envy their lives as a single mom of three teens in poverty and bankrupt after numerous divorce/custody/visitation battles it's anything but roses here in Pennsylvania but someday ladies I hope to meet up and share some good times.
This was truly a book to savior as it discusses a time when moving on is the only choice left when you've exhausted all others.

Often, we may express our inner most wishes of just being allotted more time...yet time isn't what we need it's perspective, it's insight, it's peace of mind and it's lessons learned through growth and maturity.

I loved every minute of this book (if you can't tell) and squawk about it from every hill top especially with Chuck ( a homeless veteran w PTSD) who lost it all through a time when mortgages were handed out without thought to how people could afford to pay them.

The housing crisis, the refinancing bubble, the empty promises of home equity created a time when foreclosure signs were out on every other front lawn in our communities around the globe.

Which brings us to another point: How often we forget the homeless, the vets, the poor, the impoverished or otherwise and think we know their story without it ever being told.

Mia would've died no matter what Dom did or didn't do because it was out of his hands and when you're time is up it's up and some believe it's predetermined while others believe in other factors but regardless Mia had other medical issues that would've more than likely ended her life.

So it's not a matter of saving everyone but perhaps knowing that you simply can't save everyone and must live every day as if it was your last.
I suppose in the end we have only ourselves and one another and in saving one we save another.

Enough said...

LOVE .....

Run not walk to get a copy of this great new addition to these ladies repertoire.
Love them both!!

Thank you Liz, Lisa, the pub, NetGalley & Kindle for this ARC in exchange for this honest review.

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