Monday, April 27, 2020

Book Review: "The Lost Diary Of M" By Paul Wolfe

The Kennedy intrigue has once again captured the nation and this time it's for what went on behind the scenes..

Who knew of this woman named Mary Pinchot Meyer especially for those of us born outside the 60's.

I have heard conspiracy theories about his death but not her's until now.
Meet Mary -- 

She met John during a prep school dance and fired up the embers during the affair till her death on Georgetown's tow path a year after his assassination.
Those around during that time heard the screams, seen a dark male fall into the waters, and Ray Crump Jr was later arrested.

”Her murder just ten days after the Warren Commission report was released makes a lot of people suspicious that she had to be silenced,” Burleigh notes according to the People magazine article.

“In Bradlee’s memoir, he revealed that he caught CIA counter intelligence master James Angleton breaking into Mary’s studio the night of the murder and looking for her diary,” explains Burleigh. “Bradlee found the diary looked at it.”

She was of course and elegant, highly educated, wealthy woman and it was noted she was on the rosters signed in often when Jackie was away.
Kennedy it's to be believed was a sex addict and she was far advanced for her time including the usage of LSD.

Her son was killed in a car accident and shortly thereafter her marriage to CIA agent Cord Meyer ended.

What will be is now hidden and who knows what the reality may hold.
A great new read that I was able to enjoy via Bibliotheca.

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