Sunday, April 12, 2020

Book Review: "Union" By Jordan Blashek and Christopher Haugh

While I agree this is the type of book that our world could use especially with the back and forth going on as we speak over the Corona Virus Pandemic; I don't believe this will cut it or help sway anyone from the right or the left to unite.

Everyone is an armchair critic, everyone has an opinion, depending upon a variety of factors everyone feels entitled to display their opinions openly.

Yet, what we need is factual based not opinion based. It's truths over lies. It's reality v the misconception and myths about a variety of people and locations such as those living in poverty stricken areas and those deceived by their own government such as Michigan over the clean water.

We need transparency and we need empathy and I don't see any of this here.

I happily divorced a malignant narcissist and I'm appalled by the gaslighting, brainwashing, manipulation, corruption, projection, mirroring, and the constant daily walking on eggshells to not upset a man whose incapable of operating a country.

I've dealt with temper tantrums, with mood swings, with the fight or flight responses and the trauma from living with a narcissist and I assure you it's not something you want to witness in daily briefings when thousands of people are dying.

I wish I could've enjoyed this more but sadly we need a huge wake up call about 'personality trait disorders' and not a brush off for behavioral issues as this is not behavioral in nature.

It's dangerous and it's killing many around the world.

I hope America wakes up and soon as you cannot continue to make excuses or downgrade the actions that speak volumes.

Until then God bless.

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