Sunday, December 22, 2019

Book Review: "A Crisis Wasted" By Reed Hundt

One of my biggest issues with the world today is the amount of fake news and propaganda that convinces those they are in the norm.

Sadly, it's this gaslighting technique being used against the American people that convinces them they are in the majority rather than the minority.

For example, "The ramifications of the Great Recession are not behind us. The 2016 election has not ended. The same battle between progressivism and neoliberalism still rages in the Democratic Party. As many seek the Presidency in the November 2020 election, all candidates and of course the eventual winner will continue to face decisions similar to those confronted by Barack Obama."

Thank you to Reed for addressing the truth!

This book is not just about what Obama inherited but just how toxic the White House and those staffed within are and have sadly become.

It's clearly a well researched piece that showcases the numbers in pure form rather than those fudged by those seeking to sway voters.

I will note the public must be made aware of two numbers not one set of U3 which is commonly quoted against unemployment but rather the U6 which is a more accurate depiction of reality.

Clearly, we can never fully have all the stats documented but those who live in the recession and still struggle today with extreme poverty such as self know the reality. Those like myself on the front line volunteering as well as being a recipient for hand ups not hand outs know the reality is much worse.

Jobs while available are low funded and salaried and are reserved for those with connections, wealth, or recent grads not knowledgeable persay of what they are entitled too in the long term.

For the rest of us mid class or lower with families to support we are left with the scraps while being told the job market is extraordinary and better than ever while being fed the lies that unemployment is down and housing market is booming.

I'm a malignant narcissist survivor and I assure you everything is not rainbows and roses no matter how much we choose to live in denial.

I have never wandered away from the norm which is our fellow humans are suffering in mass numbers and we need help.

The top 1% that receive the tax incentives, benefits, jobs, and or perks cannot sustain the rest of us forever.

If the issues were addressed prior to the financial collapse in '09 it might have saved the Democrats in the house. However the fact is the number needed was near a trillion and the number afforded was way too small to fix the problem.

Unemployment for Obama was at 9-10% upon his first term in office.
While DT notes how great he's making America the fact remains what have we accomplished?

The decision making process was difficult albeit not black nor white and I feel the President had our best interest at hand but still he failed to apply it correctly.

The result is what we now have before us that was just impeached while campaigning and without one lick of remorse, empathy, or understanding of the level government needs to not only function but sustain us all while moving in a healthy direction.

We are now simply put deeper in debt for a man who professed he wouldn't take a pay check.

Good luck to America as I have first hand knowledge of the end result and I assure you it will get much worse before it gets better.

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