Thursday, December 26, 2019

Book Review: "Flipping ADHD on It's Head" By Jim Poole

We live in a world in which there's a pill for everything that ails you but sadly, we also are now addicted to those same pills meant to cure us.

We must start first with plain old listening to our patients and not trying to diagnose everyone with problems and medicating them to the hilt.

Now I grew up being told I had ADHD and was recommended to be put on meds. I had a mother who yelled more than stressed what the doctor stressed here with empathy, compassion, concern, and love.

This would've went a long way in my own treatment as I never felt understood nor had that familial supportive system.

In fact, it was quite the opposite when I didn't bring home those 'A's like my brothers until my later years in college.

Yes, I mention this because as Jim Poole noted it's not a death sentence and shouldn't be introduced to the very young as such.

I'm almost 47 years young this May and I have obtained a dual masters while always running in high gear.

My father is very much the same in which he never shuts down.

It's in our blood and made worse by the exact issues noted in this book such as sugars and carbs and lack of exercise.

I have noticed the correlations to all the above and the ability to re-channel that high energy.

Today I read over 1k books a year as an unpaid trade blogger and reviewer seeking full time work. Previously, I raised three kids for the past 18 yrs as stay at home mom and yes, always on the go to this day with teens in three schools and I'm the only driver.

In the past I worked as a material handler as top producer in two departments and associate of the month having the highest stats in both departments.

Now, I can't imagine why this is ? ....

If you can learn to channel it productively, efficiently, and safely you'll be fine.

Oh, and don't eat too many Snickers bars (they are always my downfall).

A great read that describes the in's and out's of those with ADHD and how to be turn a 'disability' into a 'strength.'

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