Monday, December 23, 2019

Book Review: "We are the Weather" By Jonathan Safran Foer

With all due respect to the author as I know the extent to which it takes to bring your book baby to life...this was mostly tangential thoughts and less about research and conclusive pieces of facts.

I wish he stayed more on topic and not off into pig farms or whatever because it lost all sense of importance and the topic of climate change and global warming is crucial to all.
Sadly, It felt off topic and personal more than anything and sadly it could've been a great piece if more stabilized and targeted.

While I felt he was a good writer I just lost interest as it felt more like a joke than a reality check.

I do hope more serious action will be conducted with more factual based evidence, charts, graphs, pictures, anything of substance if there's to be a follow up because I feel it would be eye opening for those who choose to ignore the clear and compelling facts.

I've read many books on this topic and this one just didn't rate as high for me.

In fact, it felt child like in format and more suitable for the YA readers who want to learn about bacon and other foods that we consume and its relation to our planet.

The importance of not replacing the bounty of harvest after chopping down forests and the like as I'm sure you get my drift.

However, variety is the spice of life and perhaps this non serious reflection with personal anecdotes will be the thing some need and if so -Go for it! Enjoy!

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