Thursday, December 26, 2019

Book Review: "The Fire and the Darkness" By Sinclair McKay

The most eye opening historical piece of nonfiction- The Bombing of Dresden- was very informative, descriptive, and accurate.

The world may not have known just how much was at stake during WWII and the end result of these strikes became what was known as questionable actions and behavior on the part of the US Army Air Forces which killed an estimated twenty five thousand people.

Was it a 'war crime' a 'terrorist act' or was it something far more sinister?

Ultimately, one must question whether or not the attacks were justified?

The strategic target(s) were the rail transport and communication centers and therefore justified by the US Air Force however, not all infrastructures such as bridges were targeted leading some to believe it was an attack without military gain leading to nothing more than a war crime and a mass murder of civilians.

Some note Dresden as a cultural landmark yet others argued its strategic importance.
Either way this book addressed both sides and had truly made an emotional tug upon both sides.

This was not only significant but important book to address especially in the current state of affairs in which history seems destined to repeat itself.

I do hope we learn from our past and take heed that like divorce nothing good comes out of wars yet we are in another dark state of time in our country when tensions are running high and diversity and racial equality at an all time low.

We need to come together and give attention to detail and significant facts before casting judgment.

You cannot simply read this piece without taking away the importance of what was discussed and for that I thank the author for a job well done.

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