Friday, December 6, 2019

Book Review: "Inside Out" By Demi Moore

Every so often it's good to clear the air and get yourself back out there.

However, this lil ditty was not the best PR move in my opinion for her.

I can only explain it this way, when I had my own personal issues with divorce, bankruptcy, homelessness, LT unemployment and the like I was told in essence,"Suck it up buttercup we all have problems."
People today lack compassion, empathy, and concern as long as it doesn't affect them they could care less.

My worry is not for Demi but the blow back for her family as it's not easy to have your mom talk about shooting up cocaine, getting drunk, and marrying multiple times and in the latter to a much younger man who clearly is just starting in life not ready for a full on family.
So, I wonder what was she thinking?

I can understand the childhood trauma and or abuse lord knows been there and have the pin on toxicity as a scapegoat myself but it just seemed to not find fault from within but rather spread the love around.

Those who must change must realize it's an issue internally and cannot find fault and seek blame and or shame towards others in their inner circles.

If someone is toxic we keep up the boundaries, we remove the problem, we exit stage right to protect ourselves via no communication or limited in some special arrangements.

Here she allowed re-entry with her mom when she became sick and she had children who left her to find her way.

That speaks volumes on many levels.

I suppose the biggest issue I had is the ending in which she lays it all out on the line by showing who she is based on the actions or non actions of others in affecting her life.

As a child that shifting may be working but once adulthood sets you have to 'take the bull by the horns' as my pop used to say. Yes, we all struggle (see my own profile newsworthy sadness) but I am still seeking full time employment, still plowing through, still working on bettering self.

When does one seek not to excuse it all away but accept and push forward to better oneself?

I hope she finds peace in whatever stage she's in as I'm sure she knows she's not alone and I pray she finds her strengths to rebuild.

Much love.

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