Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Book Review: "The House of Brides" By Jane Cockram

If only the walls could speak? The Barnsley House is full of secrets but who will uncover them?

Will they live to tell?

It's after a loss of a career that Miranda decides to find out what happened to her family and what Tessa's book is all about.

Her mother died when she was a child but her memory has never subsided and the truths never exposed till NOW!

Daphne is the house's current bride while Mrs. Mins holds the fort as the housekeeper on duty.

It's a wild scenario based on generations of women that have come before and the future of the house and its occupants.

Now Daphne is missing and the restaurant is gone?

What else is set to happen is anyone's guess but the secrets must exit the closet once and for all!

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