Sunday, December 15, 2019

Book Review: "Trump and Us" By Roderick P. Hart

A shiny new toy! An ego larger than life! A pure branding able to sell itself to the masses!

You know fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me!

Keep in mind a malignant narc once told me I'm the biggest fool for believing in the white lies and fallacies with immediate hope of those promises that were empty and barren.

This is the bottomless 'exhausting' black pit that never is fool.

It's about a source of supply. A constant need of 'pedestal placement' and non stop grooming and adulation.

Attention and praise with loyalty at the helm are warranted.

Should you choose to ask questions or inquire you will be devalued and discarded so quickly you're head will turn.

When you come to the conclusion it was smoke, mirrors, projection and a great chameleon able to adapt it will be too late.

The trail of destruction left in its wake is long.

The toxicity is dangerous.

There's no win! Unless you mean for the one 'larger than life' persona.
Those who blindly follow will be lead to the cliff.

In other words, DT knows how to offer up a great sale with shiny pieces known as 'fool's gold.'

It looks appealing even believable and credible yet ask anyone in the unfortunate aftermath and you'll learn the Jekyll and Hyde persona has a flip side under the grand iceberg of illusion.

It's a man who profits from pain.

It's a character devoid of empathy, compassion, concern for not only his fellow man but his fellow duties in office to his own country.

It's a man who makes rants a solid art form!

It's more than just a behavioral issue or a cognitive problem. It's more than vanity and selfishness. It's more than mere ignorance of the rule of law.

It's a feeling of being above it all. A sense of superiority and grandiose imagery.
It's someone who 'thrives in turmoil' and who feeds off attention even if negative in nature.

"Twitter is Donald Trump's world" or his playground in which he obtains benefits.
Gaslighting is common along with the twisting of facts as the new norm.

It's said that one will go so far as to use anger, fear, intimidation, manipulation, hurt to fulfill his obligations to self.

While voters felt trapped I'm sure they never could've seen the mirroring that was about to play out.

I'm sure like myself they had no idea the extent of the destruction and the desire to win at all costs.

I'm sure they now all have buyer's remorse. 

There's still hope but only if those sworn with the duty to serve our great nation in accordance to our Constitution and our democracy follow it through till the end.

If not the only hope is to VOTE!

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