Friday, June 12, 2020

Book Review: "Broken" By Don Winslow

One of the things I offer for fans like myself of Don Winslow is the truth. I have a lousy 'poker face' and can't lie even if I tried so when I came across this novella of six short stories I jumped on it literally and grabbed the first thing I found available - an audiobook- via Bibliotheca (cloud library).

After spending 6 hrs or so of my time I decided I needed to finish sooner rather than later as I have many books on my TBR so I jumped over to the e-read version I later uncovered on Bibliotheca.

Thankfully, I did because the narrators were just too much for my taste & were distracting to me in the manner and voice.

Having spent nearly 2 days prior listening to the audio I realized one thing- the profanity-was excessive- and not my thing as it took away from the plot.

The stories albeit short weren't really capturing my attention and part of that reason was the underlying political tones, the negativity throughout, the anger, and the pain.

Although I did enjoy the few parts that I considered funny in commentary -they were few and far between.

While the writing was good it was these side steps that bothered me especially with regards to 'DT' with commentary such as this commentary regarding a chimp having a revolver..
"What would happen if you gave a handgun to a chimp?" Of course it gets political."  It most certainly does because readers are left scratching their heads wondering how did we just go  from a chimp with a gun to Hillary's emails to left wing nuts blaming the NRA with gun control in order to deflect from Trumps --"well everything." 

In the end you'll be pleased to know that nobody knows how the chimp got his hands on the revolver even after this political insertion within the story.

The characters albeit were lively and colorful they also rubbed me wrong with off the chart grandiose ego's and commentary such as this from the story of The San Diego Zoo:
" What motivated 'Champion' to escape was it sexual?" Alicia rejected him - Did Alicia file a restraining order" then proceeds to talk about Chris the cop as the good guy aka 'The Monkey Guy.'
Or the comment about how the zoo mandates female employees to look "Wholesome"...
The only thing I could agree with as a strong feminine mother of three was this: "passive-aggressive assertion of the male power structure."

From gun control, to immigrants, to suicide, and more this collection of short stories offers readers quite a bit to navigate.

It's a journey but that journey begins and ends with each one of us and how we treat one another and respond to one another's cries for help.

Do we ignore, do we participate, do we stay united on the homefront?

What I take away is hurt, pain, anger, aggression, and mixed emotions from this one as you can feel it in the writing.

I'm an empath so for those who don't understand I was left bankrupt, homeless, and LT unemployed after divorcing a malignant narcissist who then refused to support his three kids and in fact did everything in his power to destroy us.
I know this pain well and I wouldn't wish it on anyone much less an entire nation and beyond.

What I would recommend is voting and encouraging others to do the same to end the madness we now see before us.

What I'd also recommend is knowing that actions speak louder than words.
I would agree with this last closing statement" It's just that it seems the past few years we've been losing, you know? Losing our jobs...our land..losing what we used to be. I'm just sick of losin', ain't you?"

YES! But hate with hate  isn't the answer. Love overrides hate. Listening overrides anger. Unity overrides diversity.

I'm also a Points of Light awardee ( our nation's highest honor for service to our communities) from Pres. George HW Bush (41st President of USA) and I know how when the cameras are off the politicians take their promos and publicity stunts and vanish. It's all to play up to their base, constituents, their heavy hitters, and enablers.

We have a saying with narcissism - Don't feed the monkeys -Don't be part of the circus.

You can fight fire with fire -it's called voting and we must stop the suppression happening in Georgia and other states. We cannot allow another 4 years of this trail of destruction.

I will lastly note this: I was married to this toxicity for 11 years and was virtually a prisoner in my own home without a voice. I was silenced when I spoke out against abuse, violence, and malignant narcissism yet here I stand still telling my story. The constant empty promises, broken dreams, trail of destruction, and fight or flight responses with fact checking innuendos while walking upon eggshells is not how a nation should operate. We must have transparency and not allow the government to become bigger than we need them to be.

We cannot cower, hide, or wish it away -we must continue to tell our stories and continue to keep the light shining on these injustices but do so in a way we can all agree upon with dignity, respect, and honor.

God bless the USA.

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