Thursday, June 4, 2020

Book Review: "First Shot" By John Ryder

I'm still shaking from this heart pounding thriller...John Ryder you nailed it!

"Kill or be killed" is being served up on this diner's menu and it's scary as crap.

People are going missing in the blink of an eye without so much as a drop of concern.  

Chilling! Riveting! Dark! Action Packed! Twisted! Everything a thriller should be!

When I was asked to join the Bookouture blog tour I immediately said, "YES" because I know the quality and value they behold.

One of the reasons I loved this book was the magnificent writing that is all credit to John Ryder in crafting not just a novel but a work of art. I literally felt like I was riding shot gun alongside Grant and the FBI Special agent Guadrado.

The words seemed to magically flow for this book baby debut on publication day but I'm sure writing this took many long hours and exhaustive work.

When girls go missing here, no one says a word…” YIKES...

It all starts with a young lady named LILA who goes missing at a diner after her boyfriend got up to pay.

As it turns out this is no ordinary case and while Grant takes it up for free it's all based on his prior past and her father whom he owes his life.

Now imagine this we have here a train ride of disaster that's fast approaching and the clock is ticking to bring Lila back safely.

Justice is not yet been served but hold on because this gem will take you to places you never dreamed of going. The dark web, the woods, the dungeons...OH MY !

This is no mince meat operation either because our main character Grant Fletcher is an ex marine trained to kill by Britain's finest.

Just one problem- Within twelve hours of his arrival to a Daversville Georgia it seems that trouble follows him like a hot knife through butter. Two fights and a homicide later and we're on-Green Light ahead!

Someone may be lying. This is a town that breeds silence. That's torn from corruption. That's being silenced through omission.

The history of this town is another shocker because Lila isn't the only one- 15 missing in past 4 years- Well, Houston - We got ourselves a problem!

This creeping sense of dread is terrifying yet alluring and reader's are lead on a rabbit chase through a maze of death defying action.

The characters and the plot on this one are smoking hot with fireballs being tossed like grenades!!!

Yes, you can take that to the bank, FOLKS!

My word 'Trench' is just the start of it all because soon we learn that this may be a type of cult, a network, or hell even a organization that is above and beyond opportunism.

Intruders are on the prowl. A reclusive Vietnam Vet is staked out in hiding. A Guatemalan immigrant is on scene; and an entire family of misfits are spreading violence around without hesitation.

Everyone is in fear. Everyone is being terrorized. Everyone is traumatized.
When will this nightmare end?

Will Lila be found alive?

On second thought will anyone make it out alive including the special agents and deputies on the case?

The Blackett family is truly messed up as everyone in town seems to turn a blind eye yet someone has to know the truth.

Someone close. Someone that holds the key to unlocking this entire underground world. Something that may be closer than you think.

These characters were so well developed that you truly feel the rage against them alongside Grant and his buddies.

The twisters in the plot made for one heck of a power struggle, an emotional pull, and a flaming aftermath that built up to the grand finale.

Sometimes what appears to be isn't known without the 'totality of the circumstances' and having successfully escaped being a 'prisoner in my own home' I can feel as an empath these struggles more vividly than most. This was right up there with the best of them. 

So in closing, "Long way up, short way down." Enjoy this magnificent ride!
I truly was in awe of this new work by John Ryder and I look forward to many more.

Thank you for this golden opportunity to join fellow bloggers and reviewers on this pub day shining star moment and CONGRATS on a JOB WELL DONE! 

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