Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Book Review: "Notes On A Silencing" By Lacy Crawford

There's nothing more powerful than a woman's voice as not only a survivor of sexual abuse but as a warrior who paves the way for other's to come forward and heal collectively -united as one!

Thank god she found her voice, the pen that writes reveals, the voice that speaks is now heard.

Listening, observing, understanding, and finding compassion along with empathy are traits that have all but fallen to the wasteside and this is one such way to have them restored to their original glory.

"A riveting, lucid memoir of a young woman's struggle to regain her sense of self after trauma, and the efforts by a powerful New England boarding school to silence her -- at any cost."

Silencing victims of abuse is not knew and sadly many women have been subjected to not only the obnoxious ways outside the courts but the internal corruption in law and order statues.

What we need today is change in our legal system, in our enforcement, and in our societal values and norms.

What is seen as acceptable behavior, boys being boys, men being men should never be allowed.

So many people are hurting, so many young women are harboring this type of trauma, so many are not believed or even seen as credible.

Yet the perpetrators continue on without any repercussions to there actions that result in years of trauma, ptsd, and unresolved issues from within.

I pray everyone has a chance to read this powerful, moving, and heartfelt story of survival but also of tenacity to tell your story and not fear the hatred and anger that will most likely be tossed in by those who'd rather hide and cover up then allow the truth to be seen.

Thank you LACY for your beauty to shine and for allowing women a platform to voice their stories like you have done here so eloquently.

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