Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Book Review: "On My Watch" By Virginia Buckingham

A remarkable personal memoir of a woman torn between shame and duty owed via her career and countless deaths attributed to that final decision made that day when 911 occurred and horrified a nation into mourning.

It was a day that will go down in history as terrorists attacked 'on her watch' leaving her feeling guilty, shamed, and blamed by those who had no business passing judgement upon her.

We live in a world in which everyone has an opinion, everyone is an expert, and journalist no longer use fact checks or transparency but rather try to get the first story leading to errors and opinion based rather than factual news.
It's a one sided story that the public is used to receiving and this has multiple layers of pain that often go ignored.

The victim becomes victimized and rather than listen they display anger, hatred, and considerable amounts of pain.

While I didn't really connect with this one as I'd hoped it did lead me to a place of questionable actions in the spur and heat of the moment.

Virginia Buckingham was the head of Boston's Logan Airport on September 11, 2001. "On my watch, American Flight 11 and United Flight 175 were hijacked and flown into the World Trade Center. The first news story suggesting she might be fired in response to the hijackings appeared on September 13. A media frenzy followed. Six weeks after 9/11, Massachusetts’ then-governor forced her to resign. She was later sued personally for wrongful death by a 9/11 family, one of only two individuals named in the decade-long post-9/11 litigation. For many years, she feared that the blame was deserved."

It was truly a mixed bag because she's not the only one who may have missed the warning signs or connected the dots. CIA, FAA, FBI, and others offered very little in a pattern that may have raised eyebrows and it's not easy to catch someone in the act of a crime when the crime hasn't yet been committed -which reminds me of domestic violence issues - in which men and women must wait to be attacked before being able to legally take action.

This is how our law works and sometimes we get lucky and head it off at the pass but often we lose sight of the dangers lurking daily.

Thank you to Virginia, the pub, NetGalley, and Amazon Kindle for this ARC in exchange for this honest review.

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