Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Book Review: "Hitler's First Hundred Days" By Peter Fritzsche

Have you ever read a book and thought it was way too close to reality?!

I'm not sure who needs to hear this, but this is today, this is not Germany, this is the USA and we're being led right off the cliff by those who refuse to stop drinking the Kool-Aid.

But I digress because economic depression, riots, chaos in government/lack of transparency, propaganda being fed from all social media outlets, bots/trolls online, and so much more is what creates this storm.

Throw in gaslighting, manipulation, threats/intimidation/rule by force, blackmail for silence, smear campaigns for inaccuracy, fear, anger, hatred against one's own human race, bigotry, racism, sexism, white nationalism, and more and you have a recipe for disaster.

Dividing the country rather than uniting a fellow man is what we now possess and it's no different from what we had in the thirties.

Sew doubt, claim falsities, persecute particular races, rid democracy, forget the Constitution, use your own military against your own people, replace leadership with dictatorship/authoritarianism and you'll get the same history to repeat.

Limit books, limit truths, limit fact checkers and you'll have chants in streets like Germany's "Heil Hitler" rather than Good Morning!

"The press mediated and manipulated signals."

"National Socialists themselves worked hard to edit the representation of collective desire in the media. In rallies and marches, they stage-crafted events so that citizens could experience the awakening of the nation." --Sounds similar to MAGA --are we winning?

"The Nazi's reframed disappointments so that blemishes did not disrupt ideas." Signs of the national mood were manipulated, but the self-deceit occurred at all levels." 

We see this play out daily with certain media outlets framing the narrative. 
"How was it possible for the new to drive out the old so quickly?"
"People punched, and shoved each other." "Shuttered factories" and "empty new developments led to tours."

"We have power and we're going to keep it." "I'm never leaving here."

I'll remind readers,"Hitler planned to lead the national unity government to an electoral victory making the new Nazi majority powerful enough to revise the constitution and put emergency powers in his own hands. The "legal" path would lead to a "total" authoritarian solution that would allow the Nazis to dismantle the power of the presidency and consolidate the party's power, all without any constraint on arbitrary rule or revolutionary ambition."

Inclusion and exclusion was backed with the Nazi's relying upon two things: consent and coercion to strengthen the Third Reich.

"With so much time on their hands, people without jobs lost interest in almost everything. Once they had gone 'stamping,' the unemployed had nothing to do, and so they walked. They were easily identifiable and picked out by the police as public nuisances."

So how did this nightmare all end- "Der Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler, dictator of Germany, burrowed away in a refurbished air-raid shelter, consumes a cyanide capsule, then shoots himself with a pistol,on April 30, 1945, as his "1,000-year" Reich collapses above him."

Now folks, I divorced a malignant narcissist and I now council others- and I know the end result of this mental madness, toxicity, and DSM Manual trait.
Please don't believe actions but words and pay close attention to your gut instincts.

Know that this is not nor ever will be the new norm and that love conquers hate.
We must stay united against the evil that's currently occupied our highest office of the land.

Please vote!

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