Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Book Review: "Broken People" By Sam Lansky

“He fixes everything that’s wrong with you in three days.”

Well when you're down and out on your luck you'll do just about anything.
Take this idea of fixing your problems with a shaman because why not -You're Rich! - oh and gay and you're almost on the verge of losing your magazine writing job and being left with nothing and no one.

Also for those who are picky the Broken People novel by Sam Lansky touches upon some very heavy topics including sexuality, shame, HIV, acceptance, and depression.

The ultimate concern centers around Charles and Sam and whether or not one of them is responsible for giving the other a possibly deadly virus.

“And this is how life goes: there will be times where you feel like nothing more than a patchwork quilt of all the worst parts of yourself, and then there will be times when the call to be better is just so lovely and clear, like a bell ringing at a frequency all the voices that keep you up at night can’t hear.”
― Sam Lansky, Broken People

All in all this was a good read that really was emotionally jarring and heartfelt for readers to explore. It allows a thoughtful discussion that resonates long after you close the book.

Thank you to Bibliotheca for this e-read in exchange for this honest review.

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