Sunday, May 12, 2019

Book Review: "Boys Will Be Boys" By Clementine Ford

"Entire organizations are built on the appeal of rewarding men for just showing up, festooning them with white ribbons & bending over backwards to call them champions, ambassadors, heroes, or any other celebratory title you can think of that effectively heralds men for being basically okay humans some of the time."

"Boys are defined by how impressive they are while girls are defined by how impressive they look."

"Making child care the emotional and financial responsibility of the partnered mother alone doesn't just further distance men from the responsibility of raising children, it fundamentally disadvantages women by keeping them out of the workforce, threatening their super annuation payments later on and denying them the ability to live a life beyond their identity as a mother."

This is the new norm!

Sadly this has got to stop.
Women's rights matter. Women's voices matter. Women deserve to be free.

Can you believe we live in a world where the rights of women are being threatened daily?
This is not a third world country this is the United States of America!
"To engage is to willingly open oneself up to a discussion devoid of facts or any real arguments...."
aka "Angry White Men."

"Gone are the days when you would be required to convince an audience of your argument by using conventional methods that involve an actual critical understanding of your topic."
I for one miss intellectual debates rather than constant put downs, one liner zingers, and small town politics.

"Women are often told to 'just ignore it' as if this will magically make it disappear."
I'll never forget leaving my exhusband an abusive malignant narcissist; becoming homeless, bankrupt, LT unemployed, without safety nets such as credit, savings, or employment and being told he was 'stuffy' and needed a break.
Poor him! As his family lived in poverty he plead poverty all the way to the bank. As we struggled for basics including food insecurities he went out to wine and dine the next unsuspecting target.

While we lived without income including 15k arrears for child support he fled into hiding, quit his job, and told everyone he refused to pay outrageous support and didn't therefore a warrant was issued for his arrest.
I bring this up because my family of four received $100 as our first support payment this after living a year and a half on credit. 
Is this the way we treat women and children? Is this what's left after devoting time to an 11 yr marriage with 3 children all of which were high risk pregnancies?
I ask this of those reading this because boys are taught to be strong while girls are taught to surrender!

We are not taught to be forceful, to ask for what we need, to go after all that we can obtain.
This back seat driving has got to stop as the glass ceiling ladies is ours for the taking! We have to decide we want it bad enough.
Remember the days when we played sports and the coach would ask, "How bad do you want to win."

I often think that we want to win badly but it's a game of "The Big Boys Network" is in charge and "No Girls Allowed."

We need to rewrite the rules of this game. We need to stand up and be heard. We need to keep telling our stories. We need to challenge every rule of law. We need to not be silenced.
Women's unpaid labor is something I've struggled with since the mid 20's when I gave up my career to raise my family with one disabled child (my oldest son with vater syndrome disabled for life).

I mutually agreed it was more financially feasible for my spouse to work while I stayed home.

The agreement was to get a job upon my youngest going to school full time.
The deal fell through when my spouse had an affair, I filed for protection, he filed for divorce, and away we all went to the curb (me and my 3 kids) or stay and be threatened with no utilities and removal of my kids or have a constable remove me with threats of nonpayment of mortgage and property taxes.

So not much choice folks!

You see the family courts don't care about women and kids. They will question your educational level from high school, your ability to earn income, your ages of your kids, everything but reality will be taken into effect.

It's all geared up for the man as it continues to be a man's world run exclusively by men! 
While I had to produce my income/expense statements. My narc did not.
While I had to appear in timely manner for court (30min) ahead. My narc did not.
While I had to enter through the front door, check in at front desk, register and sign in. My narc did not?
While I had to produce legal documents that went ignored. My narc produced a quicken spreadsheet he created at home and it was more believable and credible than my legal documents such as federal/state/local taxes; bank accounts/bank statements; credit card statements; property taxes etc.
This is why when I filed 15 exceptions they were denied...exceptions arguing against my narcs false accusations. 

You see the world is hostile, angered, disillusioned, and being gaslighted daily with a malignant narc in the highest office of the land.
We are being stripped of our rights one by one...
It's disgusting, it's disheartening, it's an injustice and I which something was being done to correct the wrongs!

To date I'm on my 4th attorney to fight this evil monster.

I've not yet given up even as I head to major surgery on my back as If I quit I'm a quitter and my girls need to know they should never bow down to any man!
This I hope is the wake up call that we as a nation need to come together join hands and fight for justice for all.

God bless!

Thank you Clementine as your voice is heard and I stand with HER!

Stand up against injustices! Never give up! You're never alone! Nor to Blame!

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