Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Book Review: "Life to the Extreme" By Ty Pennington

'He just can't sit still, bouncing off the walls, unable to stay focused, and energy that is just beyond comprehension.'

Sounds familiar....from one ADHD adult to another I know that feeling quite well. In fact Ty is near my age (ok he's 8 yrs older) but the idea that kids should be given drugs to calm them down is something I'd hoped he discussed here as thankfully my mother back in the 70's/80's never gave me the meds that were prescribed alarmed at what they might do to me.

For me it was more about controlling the diet and be darn sure you didn't give this gal more sugar in any form. I was always busy. Could never sit. Able to multi task like the bomb. Also able to do much more than the average person which is similar to what Ty uncovered.

For Ty: He discovered something much more unique.

That he had a gift. When working with his hands. It's ironic because I don't need to even look at something I just have that intuitive ability to know where my hands are and could use both simultaneously. I wonder if Ty is similar? For me: I would produce over 200 units an hour using both hands as top producer in two departments. 

For Ty: He made things interesting. What I didn't expect was his brutal honesty. His idea of love. His thoughts on the families he helped. The notion that he could channel that built up energy into something more useful.

I love the segment with his family especially his step dad as he didn't truly know his real father. The discussions about what he wanted to do with his life.

All in all a nice read for this super fan.

Now there's only one thing left to say, "Move that bus!"

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