Monday, May 27, 2019

Book Review: "Broke" By Jodie Adams Kirshner

"What Broke really tells us is how systems of government, law and finance can crush even the hardiest of boot-strap pullers." —Brian Alexander, author of Glass House

Many small town cities are grappling with this concept of 'municipal distress', Act 47, and bankruptcy.

It's more than just on paper it's a new way of living for residents who learn their homes are devalued, their property cannot be sold, foreclosures are on the rise, jobs are absent, and residents struggle simply for basics that are taken for granted like clean healthy water and air.

For many Detroit is significant because it's the crux of what's happening all around our country.

In which the top 1% are fine, but the bottom feeders are tripping over one another to survive.

When the economy plunders, desperation and despair set in, and crime goes on the rise.
People begin to lose hope and will do what is needed to simply survive.

It's scary to see this playing out with abandoned landscapes, closed up mom and pop shops, while government continues to line their pockets in the name of being voted back in.
Politics is for the 'thick skinned' but I've seen enough working on the front lines as a volunteer to know politicians do not care about the the districts they serve. 

It's all about the 'impression' they are 'working' and that 'impression' is destroying our nation.

Blighted properties, low wage jobs, high unemployment based on U6 figures not the lies sold to the public with U3 (which is double the reality).

We must work together if we wish to rectify the current problems .

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