Monday, May 20, 2019

Book Review: "Inspection" By Josh Malerman

Stable geniuses or madmen? You decide!

A social experiment looks at the heart of whether or not it's wise to live secluded, isolated, and without knowledge of the outside world in knowing the opposite sex while being raised under strict guidance and supervision from 'Parenthood' parents (Marilyn/Richard) aka M.O.M. and D.A.D.

It's a world like no other where there's no discussion, no questioning, and no going near the forest, the towers, or the books to educate oneself.

Certainly the plan with the Alphabet Boys and Letter Girls seemed excessive but these are some treasured individuals and why not "Live like you're in a Judith Nancy book."
Unless of course, you're Judith Nancy or Warren Bratt .

There are 49 kids who are 12 years old who finally have had enough.

Parenthood may be the isolated community with inspections but these kids would rather kill the parents that stay another day.

With lies comes spoiled rotten individuals which turns into revolts leading to revenge against the experiment and you can imagine who they are going after in the end.

Richard ironically may be locked out of his own crazy world he's invented which is the icing on this beautiful magnificent work that will have you saying why would I want to read about X,Y, and Z and then saying hell yeah bring it on!

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