Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Book Review: "Just Show Up" By Cal Ripken Jr.

"Legends aren't born they're made."

"Play fair win fair."

It shouldn't be all about the money. In the end it's about the principle. The will to win. The drive to succeed. The ambition to leave a lasting legacy. The name recognition, the fame, the fortune is something that if you're good it will come to you.

I love hearing Cal talk about his humble beginnings. When he truly had nothing. How having nothing made him work harder. He didn't rely upon his father's success but made a name for himself. How he didn't want to play in the big leagues per say and be far away from home. How he simply wanted to be near his home and family. 

What fascinated me was you can never stop learning. He continues to help others. He continues to fight against injustices in hopes of keeping the game fair. In fact he discussed in length about what's known as "spitters" in baseball. I had not known about the varying ways men try to cheat the system but then again 'hiding' is what they often try to conduct without being noticed. Here's one such example similar to what Cal was discussing:

Nevertheless, he didn't set out to make big money. He didn't need to ask for it. It managed to find him.

Don't strive to seek money. Strive to be better than you were yesterday. 

Don't look to tomorrow what you can do today.

Don't focus on your competitors and get bitter, focus on you and get better.

So many life lessons in this one that's hard to not love it.

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