Monday, May 27, 2019

Book Review: "Dottir" By Katrin Davidsdottir

If you don't know the Dottir family than you must be residing under a rock.

For Crossfitters we know this family quite well. The strength, the determination, the will to succeed.

That drive is what pulls the deep seeded will to win however as a crossfitter I also must stress one thing that surprisingly is not often spoken about which is rhabdo and it's not a fluke of nature folks it's deadly.

So before you jump on the all things Crossfit train you must know your limits and know your worth.

Sometimes worth need not be measured by awards to be significant and have an impact.
While pushing to the limits daily is nice I've seen many fall and it seems in this case Katrin was constantly seeking validation and approval.

She wanted to be with the big players & stars but the effort it took and the determination to get there often makes one second guess that drive. 

This was an interesting look at how she came to be and why and how she maintains her elite status through healthy eating and non stop workouts.

It's not for everyone and the idea that woman should be dainty is not for the Icelanders!
I've never visited Iceland but assure you the dainty is not found in rural PA gals either. Tomboy proud here.

If you should be so lucky as to be able to accomplish a hand stand, complete a pull up, or manage a good snatch you'll know what I speak..

At 46 I kept up with the 20's and was impressed but I eventually left the sport do to funds. It's costly at local private gyms and with age comes issues such as vertigo and spinal canal stenosis preventing restrictions.

What I did like about Crossfit was the notion that you can achieve what you set your mind too and the running, the lifting, the snatching, the burpees (please don't make me do 46 for my recent bday bossman) the mindset is all uniquely Crossfit.

Gotta love it!

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