Thursday, May 16, 2019

Book Review: "The Last" By Hanna Jameson

"Thou Shall Not Kill" takes on a whole new meaning FAR beyond the 6th commandment we've come to know in this new work by Hanna Jameson!

“It’s important for people to feel like their lives have purpose,” I said. “And it doesn’t have purpose if you don’t believe you’re getting a sticker and some candy at the end of it? Like this life doesn’t have meaning unless you then live on somewhere else? That doesn’t even make sense!”

All we ever want is more time, isn't that the case...

Jon just wants to respond to his wife's text after exiting from an academic conference as a Switzerland hotel.

Suddenly he gets notified that DC, NY, London, and finally Berlin are all under a nuclear attack.

He had no idea just how dire the situation would become nor how desperate to flee for his life until the moment was upon him.

Ultimately making the decision to hunker down & stay where he is with 20 strangers.
Did he make the right choice? 

Time has not favored well upon this hotel as it seems trouble allows will be part of its history. Suicides, murders, people wandering off into the woods like zombies without reason or explanation.

Till now, when they realize they have no to low water pressure, check the water tanks, and find the most bizarre thing~A dead body of a young girl~ and worse their are no parents around.

Who would leave a child behind?

Why would a young girl be inside a water tank in the first place?

Ok, creepy as it is I'm sure there's an explanation, their has to be right?

Paranoia, heartbreak, utter madness results with Jon at the helm playing investigator but the ultimate question: Can he afford to lose his mind in this hotel, or should he take his chances in the outside world?

I enjoyed this book aside from the sub plots that seemed to fall short.

It had some good action packed thrills and was worth the read!

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