Friday, February 12, 2021

Book Review: "The Clover Girls" By Viola Shipman

First and foremost I must say, "Thank you" to Viola Shipman (his grandmother's name) and penname of the writer Wade Rouse in which his inspirational stories arise from this strong foundation.

I've not read a book by Wade that hasn't stirred up such profound human emotions from within which is quite extraordinary when you think he's just a few years older than myself yet manages to engage me in every novel to the point I'm in tears. Everyone of his books requires and demands your undivided attention, love, and mutual respect.

This newest work is more than just friendships, bygone eras, past summer camp memories, or even family. I would dare say this novel is a masterpiece that should be on every shelf in the country because it's simply that good. It's the best source of women's fiction that I've found to date and I currently possess nearly 300 ARC's for this year alone.

To imagine this one statement for all its truths and I quote - Caught between two worlds: 2021 and the 1980's. I've been stuck between two worlds for a very long time: the girl who had so many dreams, and the woman who had to push them aside to be a grown-up. I'm also now-and have always been-caught between two friends who are most alike than they would ever care to admit. Despite V's sabotage, despite their rivalry, she and Rachel have much more in common than I ever had with them-looks, personality, leadership, popularity, lives that ordinary folk like me aspired to live-and I still feel that jealousy that I tried so hard to bury. They also had more opportunity than I could ever imagine. When your world is small, your chances are, too.

The lack of human interaction and our current state of unrest in our country is noticeable and needs to also be addressed here. I'm so glad that Wade addressed both with dignity, honor, respect, and courage. We do need change and we must be that change we wish to see.

So, then you might wonder what is all this hype? Well, my friends, this is a book built upon cherished memories, lives lost, friendships forged, and rivalries that may have lent themselves to the waste side. This is more than just having to grow up, become an adult, deal with responsibilities, and prosper be it with or without procreation via marriage or otherwise.

"Do we grow up and get too busy, or are we just scared of sharing our true selves as adults?"

I'm not opposed to giving my age because I'm worked hard to secure my strengths from rising out of the ashes- The Phoenix shall rise! This is much of what we are to be find here because ashes is just part of the equation.
In fact, it's sad that one of the four had to die in order to show the others the light! Truth in salvation. Truth in death. Truth in life.

There are four women here that are brought together by one woman's passing- Em (Emily) who passed with a request. Her friends come together and reconnect by utilizing the summer camp at Birchwood for which they attended as children together. One week is all they have to conquer together.

Now, this doesn't seem like much to ask in your dying days but will this group forego there differences and uncover what unites them? This is the same as what many of us face in dealing with topics of politics, division, racial tensions, and equality -to name just a few.

Can we learn to listen? Can we function as equals? Can we become united?

When death brings you back to life you will forget what ever tore you apart because we are more alike than we're different.

Our true selves don't rely upon our labels- we can be great parents and need not forego a career title to be a good mother or father. We need not secure a 9-5 job to be classified as worthy. We need not have a blue checkmark next to our name to serve importance because we are all important and valued.

This train of thought is what I absorbed like a sponge because it's the exact fork in the road that I'm currently living. I divorced in 2013 being left bankrupt, homeless, long term unemployed having giving up my career much like the relationship of Liz and David to allow my spouse to excel in his career. Needless to say we were much like these two when I say we were like two ships sailing in the night. Going through the motions, getting married, having kids, raising kids solo, and then leaving the wife and kids as my former spouse to forego new relationships without a second thought at what was left behind or for that matter what our legacy will be not just upon ourselves but for our children. We will forever be connected and that's something that we all must address for those with kids and a union that bonded them together.

The issues are more than just living in the moment or living to take chances?

As we age we know that actions have consequences, those actions are costly, those decisions then affect everyone in our inner circle. Those friendships we once held close now faltered and often for minute details and or differences.
The fundamental holdings are so intertwined within this 'four leaf clover' design. Much like that four leaf clover there are four women here at a crossroads. Each with their own opinions, thoughts, emotions, and feelings. Each that could contribute or take-away from one another dependent upon their choosing.

So, ask yourself this according to Wade," Have I lost touch with my light? Have I lost touch with God? Have I - have we all-allowed ourselves to continue to be defined not just by men but by men who are actually wrong for us?"
Or, look at it from another vantage point between Liz and David, " So I ruined your life? David say. " Wow."
"No," I say, my voice shaking. "You didn't ruin it. You just erased it. And I was dumb enough to hand you the pencil."
This my friends is what life is all about. "You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both, and their you have- The Facts of Life."

Wade made sure he through in many topics for ripe discussion but also many rich details from the time period and many memorable events to complete the picture.
Ladies, we've all been there-exhausted, emotionally torn, completed pulled in multiple directions, and still trying to juggle it all while pleasing our partner.

I get it too - because no matter what I did it wasn't enough. It was never enough. It was never appreciated, respected, or enjoyed. It was simply expected when you had kids you were to be forever attached to the hip till they were legal age to go out on their own.

When was our time? When did we deserve a break?
We never felt we deserved a fulfilling relationship. Perhaps we felt we didn't even deserve good friendships. We were always chasing something new, shiny, and dream worthy.
Yet, in the end did we ever get what we wanted, did we settle, did we simply forget and forge ahead?

Then this appeared," On top of spaghetti, All covered with chees, I lost my poor meatball, we somebody sneezed..." and so when it did I too nearly lost my chips. I always chant this when I'm cleaning around the house (don't ask).
Why don't we do this anymore? When did we lose our sense of adventure? When did we stop singing? Or living?
Why isn't anything fun anymore?

"All of us running from our lives? Or are we running toward something? How can such strong women be so successful and still so lost?"
"Who could I become?"
"Why didn't I fight harder?"

The Color War is just one of many games these ladies enjoyed and perhaps they will find the reasoning as to why they enjoyed it upon revisiting it in camp.

I hope so because these ladies all have so much to offer this world and each other.

Their vibrancy, their charisma, their charm, and tenacity is what we all need more of today.

Their compassion, their love, their ability to forgive, and their empathy is what the world needs.
Thank you Wade Rouse, the publisher, NetGalley, and Amazon Kindle for this lovely ARC in exchange for this honest review.

I shall never forget this one because it truly hit home on many paths. In fact, when I embarked on reading in the library as a single mother of three older teens taking my son to college. I was sitting inside as it was too cold to sit in the car for the hour. I chose this book knowing the past works were always 5 stars ratings and I knew this would bring an enjoyment and joy that's unmatched to the competition.
I use the word competition because at times it seems we're all fighting but what we are fighting varies from one individual to the next.

In my case that fighting involved escaping poverty with three kids after an eleven year marriage that resulted in a state of despair and total destruction. Yet, those ashes is the foundation upon which I rebuilt and now all three of my kids will graduate this 2021 year! My eldest from two year college, my second child from high school, my youngest from elementary. With my eldest med disabled from birth for life having acquired not just high honors but the President's List the highest the college affords its students as well as several honor societies.

It's not unusual to have a single mom in poverty raise her family solo but it's when you're a mother who received the Points of Light Award from our 41st President of these United States and yet still can't acquire a full time -LIVING WAGE- job with a dual MASTERS.

Now, I note this at the end to not take away from the glory of this work. Women struggle daily to just get recognized and in fact as I sit here I work writing reviews as a trade blogger for free while seeking full time work for the past ten years with one after the other of job decline offers.

I tell you this because like the ladies in this work they fought. They struggled. They continued to display courage in the face of adversity.

As I wrote this the night prior my best friend since grade school who was severely burned over 90% of her body in a house fire had literally just touched base with me via FB after not speaking for years. In fact, the last we spoke was at the local DMV years earlier upon changing her last name from divorcing. I'm happy to report she's engaged since this past June 2020 and noted she attempted to contact me over the years to which I can't confirm nor deny.

Another friend from grade school tossed me under the bus upon my divorcing and befriended me for my spouse knowing the horrific circumstances we as a family endured. Yet, several more ghosted me in the process over the years without reason or explanation after several failed attempts including just in the recent days in which one moved from Pennsylvania to South Carolina after meeting a man and being depressed on meds after her husband's sudden passing.

Life is fleeting. Life is busy. Life is complex.

Life is meant to be enjoyed in its entirety and within the proper context within pure view of the totality of the circumstances.

It cannot ever be taken for granted.

Don't let life pass you by -enjoy it all- in all its glorious times and its glorious mess.

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