Saturday, February 27, 2021

Book Review: "Oslo, Maine" By Marcia Butler

Music is the power of the mind, soul, and body. It's the connector when the world goes astray. It's the missing piece that connects us all!

Remember this: memory fades. Memory is based on recollection. Memories can be either comforting or harmful.
Now, folks this is brutish. It's grotesque -sorry, Moose! It's downright not funny in any sense of the word.

If you're looking for happy, relatable, love, and romance this isn't the book for you. If you're looking to find something that's a bit off center, a piece of fiction, a work that will have you thinking long after it's over -than YES! Get a copy and sit for a few hours if by audio and enjoy!

This was a good audio narration for me and nothing was lost in the listening department.
As for the plot and the setting they were both fine for me. The plot was slow to start but the ending is were the meat and bones was for me. The connector pieces and the finale was just perfect.

Nobody knows what life will bring us. A pregnant moose and a memory loss incident is probably not on anyone's radar. That's not the point. So, do yourself a favor and think outside the box behind the true meaning of it all.

For we all have problems. People try to fit everyone in a box. Labels are tossed. Assumptions are made.

What I can tell you is that Luc didn't know who his blood relatives were but he would uncover the truth in some simple blood donations to help out Pierre.

Pierre was treated as an outcast. Yet, the boy picked up a violin and learned how to play with the help of a neighbor-Sandra- seeking music as her own escape from life outside the grid.
Claude is a tough cookie with a hard shell. Acceptance and acknowledgement of facts isn't his thing. Yet, you can't deny -cold-hard-facts.

Celine the mother of the kids isn't off her rocker. She is recovering and off the pills-slipping only twice. Sadly, she's no longer with us. Passing on from heart disease at an early age.
The tremors continue long after the incident with the moose for Pierre but nothing stops his love of teaching -right?! Mr. Bow Arm Fixer??

Yes, and the entire premise is best known by the fact that we must stay present, stay authentic, and stay in the here and now. The beauty of the NOW!

Got it, now- go get it, see ya!

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