Sunday, February 7, 2021

Book Review: "Murder, Interrupted" by James Patterson

This is a two-fer short story within the Murder Is Forever tv series on Discovery.

What I enjoyed with this is both stories hold up well, strong characters, powerful plots, and constantly changing twists.

In the first we see a marriage made in heaven and hell. Supposedly the devoted pastor and spouse of 28 years is also seeking outside momentum in the form of an affair. Frank's wife and kids had no idea but when they uncover the truth will they still stand by him?

Nancy the wife was always involved with the church following in her father's devoted faith and career. She never imagined that devotion would be cause for concern until that fateful day when she was shot. The bullet entered just above her eye as it projected upward towards her brain.

Who would attempt murder against her? What motive is their to end a life? Was her husband's affair and subsequent reveal about his boss be good enough reason to snuff her own?

God does work in mysterious ways but sinners still sin! Enter Dustin the hired helper with a penchant for danger and Billie Earl Johnson with some heavily loaded pockets full of money, passion, and contract killings for discussion.

My word -WTH? Couldn't Frank have kept the damn thing in his pants?

When the blood exits from one location and becomes clouded entering the upper half we find that stuffy feeling and love bombing go hand in hand.

Speaking of what else goes hand in hand it's downright MURDER!
How this magnificent drama unfolds will shock you but Nancy lives to tell and tell she does with her family by her side.

In the second part we have a similar thriller that's explosive on sight.

We have a mother daughter team that's using the system to benefit the one. Money is the root of all evil but how could a mother convince a 19yo daughter that she's been sick her entire life?

When the daughter Gypsy Rose starts getting checked out she uncovers a whole host of dirty rotten lies that have been firmly planted by her mother Dee-Dee all in the name of the Lord (you could say.)

This poor child didn't even know her own age when faced with such extraordinary troubles but when her mother death raises questions her own daughter must face the music.

Actions have consequences and while her daughter may not have been alone thanks to a Christian dating site and a young man that's no excuse for a planned kill.

This was the old James Patterson I've come to love and enjoy reading over the years.
I wish I could have more of this type of material being presented in each and every book he affords his readers and fans.

A great read!

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