Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Book Review: "The Vanishing at Loxby Manor" By Abigail Wilson

If ever there was an audio to be snowed in with this would be the one I'd pick for the coffee table read.

Thankfully, we didn't get as much snow as expected which allowed me to focus the past two-three days on this one novel.

Abigail Wilson created an elusive setting with a backdrop going all the way back to the late 1800's with some memorable characters including Charity, Piers, Seline, Avery, The Cavanaghs, and a whole host of others.

The pure joy was in uncovering the truth behind the missing Seline (best friend) of Charity who is presumed to have eloped with Avery (which happens to be my sons middle name.)

So, we then learn that Piers is the brother of Seline and has his own vested jilted experience from a duel which he skipped out upon leading to some questions.

In addition, our house guest who returned to Loxby Manor in England after five years abroad in Ceylon has created quite the buzz. Her past experience from years ago has reappeared with a vengeance and sadly the sexual assault has shaken her self esteem and trust in men going forward. 

Of course, Piers is her beau and why not mix romance in with this gothic atmosphere to create an illusion of mystery upon us all.

What is romance without a mix of scandalous actions and Abigail Wilson tosses that too in the bag of tricks.

Blackmail is not just for the weak and merry it's a gift that some have shared abundantly in trying to bury more than just bodies as they seek to silence the truth.

Speaking of silence why was Piers exiled in an attempted silence? Who would do such a thing to this wonderful man? I suppose the apple doesn't fall far from the tree in this regard but poor Mr. Hugh all because of some French ideals...Really?

Well, you know when you use people it will come back to bite you in the arse so do be careful in who you toss under the bus...because not everyone is completely blind in this regard. The truth is evident and apparent as long as you're not blinded by the fog and mirrors.

So with this noted the "Gormongon Society" is something we need to address here in more ways than one and it would do good to also note that this scandal was known for some time by the female partner and Mrs. Cavanagh I see you in all your glory.

Priscilla and Avery and Piers and Charity -may you live long and prosper - as they say because happiness is often a fleeting moment.

I absolutely adored this book via this audio version and would like to give a special shout out to Abigail Wilson, the pub, NetGalley, and Amazon Kindle for this ARC in exchange for this honest review.

This was a great fireside read that will be in discussion for days to come.

Thank you!

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