Saturday, February 25, 2023

Book Review: "Total Empire" By AJ Tata

First and foremost I must note my sincere condolences to the author Anthony J. Tata upon learning in the closing remarks of the recent loss of his father in '21 during the pandemic having passed on the day of his parent's 66th wedding anniversary.

This was Anthony Tata's first book written since his passing and he truly did his parents, family, friends, all those in the writing industy, and all of those who love his work as fans, readers, reviewers proud!

This wasn't too far fetched a concept today as to imagine that China is passing us in every regard but with special importance to hypersonic missiles and directed energy leading to what may one day be a global war.

My father having passed this past February 10,2023 warned me of the impending doom having served on USS Shangri-La 61-66 during Cold War and he too just had celebrated nearly 60 years of marriage. Upon his passing the doctors said, "he fought and defied the laws of nature." I'd like to think that he's watching down and wondering what on Earth are we doing to ourselves. We have fallen behind based on budgetary cuts and lack of importance being provided to the right military efforts and it's showing.

It rings true today that there's many covert operations going on especially from within and yet, those who served our country must maintain their duty and privilege while taking the fall and often being blamed when money is at the root of such evil.

As it's noted,"why bother with terrorists when nations and corporations are creating alternate world order?"
We must wonder can China pull it off? Can they build enough nuclear hypersonic missiles using a terminal guidance system to improve accuracy in guiding nukes upon direct targets.

As many of you know I'm a huge fan of militaristic thrillers especially being the Mitch Rapp Ambassador twice but this to me blows all of that out of the water.

This book was special in more ways than one and advanced the mission of women's power using a female president of the USA as well as a female in captivity (Zoey) so I can't complain as a feminist with both sides being portrayed.

AJ Tata has truly written such a splendid piece that I devoted it as my weekend starter read. I'm so glad I did give it the special attention it deserved. The way in which he wrote captivated every sense I possessed while reading. The plot thickened, the read was easy language not militaristic jargon, the flow and pace was perfect. There's not a ton of characters to keep straight and every character was vivid, lively, and ready for action.

I'll be honest with the readers, I haven't read a book yet in which I wrote so many notes as I did this one and that's a good thing because I was invested in reading it fully. Many of the books I've read since coming back after the pandemic have been sub par work and not many kept nor maintained my interest. I couldn't flip the pages fast enough and my only complaint is in having it end.

To start, "Total Empire" began with Sly Morgan being killed and his black daughter Zoey being missing (captive). It wasn't random that her dad recorded a meeting between the inner workings of the Chinese/American/French diplomats on global government.

Readers are then engulfed in this fury of fire involving, "The Executioner" and a guy named Sanson.
Sadly, we uncover just how brutal these men are as we learn that Sly was decapitated by sword.
However, the motto is and will always be," Better to die a warrior than grow old."

Zoey went missing in Africa. Could she be a bait or a mole? What's this Eye of Africa all about?
She was well known for helping women escape but how did she become entangled in this ever growing and increasingly dangerous plot?

Chinese fishing boats have been located off the coast of Africa and many wonder is they're spying and using military operations?

This Eye of Africa seems to be a central focus in the Sahara desert location. Plenty of tunnels and vast land aka dig sites that can be utilized if fallen in the wrong hands. We must note this theory around the Atlantis with stashed opportunities becoming abundant.

Could this be the start of the 'dog that didn't bark theory'?

I love how this book involved much of the world's scariest concerns today from drones, nukes, to chemical warfare, and insider trading schemes in which we're in essence fighting internally for power and control by those seeking to sell to the highest bidder while men and women are on the front lines fighting to keep us free. The revalence to the current state of American and oversees affairs was not lost.

The Western World is ripe with conflict and Tata did a great job showcasing this concern & how easy it would be to drop a nuke like they dropped the planes in 911 and kill millions.

The Cold war has become more digitalized and mondernized with China and the Western World and we must wake the hell up. My pop often said the Chinese own us and that's becoming so true in all global matters today.

What I can say as a black sheep of my own family is that the world needs black sheep. Every family needs one with countries involving North Korea, France, Russia, China, and the USA today.
Rail systems, energy grids, global viruses and nukes are on the minds of many and this wonderfully written novel explains that in great detail.

Could China really hold the world hostage with a nuclear weapon attack? Are we prepared to enter battle? Are our capabilities up to date? Do we have the central intelligence to enter that arena?
This entire thing centers upon power and control and world dominance. The Dakhla Accords was mentioned with Chinese Glints being utilized. These Glints have the capatibility to destroy their targets and must be disabled.

The virus may have been the first wave. The 2nd phase is these hypersonic missiles for world domination.
The examples provided being Dulles Airport and NYC are just frightening to read about and I pray they never become our nightmare reality.

Could ground laser be utilized to stop such missiles?

"Could a small percentage of the population continue to protect the American ideal when it was under assault from within?" We often wonder as we wait for the indictments to take hold and those responsible to pay for the crimes they have clearly committed in front of the American people.

This book was so jammed pack with excitement that I literally was out of breath reading it as it felt like you're running for your life from the reality we know and see today.

The fact that a MOAB (Mother of All Bombs) might have to be used is indeed a feeling of doom.
Now, we learn that the sitting female President (Campbell) may be forced to sign off in that 2nd phase...YIKES!

The end game is the same- get USA to become subservient to China.

It's a scary proposition but much needed discussion that we all must have as we face the virus, the train derailments, the chemicals leaking into our air/water/ground supplies, the forced shut down of our energy grids, the enemies from within, the terrorists waiting to capture and kill, and so much more....

Thank you to AJ Tata, Macmillan USA, St. Martin's Press, and Goodreads for this exclusive ARC.

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