Sunday, December 6, 2020

Book Review: "The Babysitter" By Sheryl Browne


First and foremost the copy I behold is actually two novels in one paperback form -The first story revolves around The Babysitter while the second tackles The Affair.

I didn't check the cover when I placed this book on hold and noticed the latter half to be an entirely different story noticed upon documenting book pages for Goodreads.

As if the blurb isn't a dead giveaway... Folks we've been through this before -the headway to if it walks like a duck... you know-but here it's a female version of the same.

The poor wo-wis-me scenario of the house burned down. The sitter is all that remains. She's taken in by this couple Mark and Melissa (aka Mel) and they all live happily ever after trotting through the tulips.

Or, wait--the tulips is actually their individuals lives-that she's plotting to destroy -with young children involved which makes it that much worse and yes, it's eerily similar to the hand that rocks the cradle.

The psycho is running around playing both sides of the fence in gaslighting, manipulating, and then leaving the bread crumbs to fight over.

Surely, they have to see through the smoke screen, fog, and endless neediness of this woman?

For the love... are you kidding?

Ok, well let me tell you this book adds that meet me in the woods scenario in which you'll never believe what was left behind, the real Grace -is on standby-and Jade has created a buzz worthy performance with Linda but in the end it's 3 against 1 or was that multiple...

Oh, never mind.

Safe to say this is a dilemma that was solved with some mystery left to swirl in the wine glass....

Till next time my friends..

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