Friday, December 18, 2020

Book Review: "Whispering Hearts" By V.C. Andrews

Whispering Hearts is a novel that will truly make your heart pound with intensity and your mind wander with reverberations long after the shocker moment subsides.

V.C. Andrews was quite an interesting woman based on her introduction on Goodreads and I couldn't help to wonder if she'd had started publishing her works just how immense an author she'd have become if only she'd followed her dreams sooner.

Perhaps this is why this book by a ghost writer came about because it's all about daring to dream and catching that wave of luck or misfortune however, you shall choose to address such oddities in life.

One thing is certain expect the unexpected because Emma is leaving her secure foundation to spread her wings and fly on her own.

Why not take up a nightclub job, low wage jobs, become a stage performer NYC, or simply go back to UK and meet up with the bizarre couple awaiting you.

Wait, What?!

No really....this couple Samantha and Dr. Davenport will take good care of you -he promises-because if there's anything that makes the world go around it's wealth and good graces.
Besides, they reside in a nice mansion, decorated to the hilt, with several interesting individuals -so all's good right?

Well, money truly makes life more fulfilling and some people will do anything to have a few extra greens but going overboard is not what Emma's parents had in mind when she left to make her own way as a young adult at eighteen years of age.

So perhaps her time has come to see just how gullible, how cruel, how disheartening and dark the world can be ... I mean how wonderful, cheery, rosy, and full of rainbows everything is around us.

Ok, well-time to face the music and this ending ....I'd seriously have so much to say but I have to bite my tongue because it's perhaps set by grief, despair, and that need for wealth and or acceptance but in reality it's sad what some must do to keep the lights on or off in this case.

HOLY SMOKES that was one unexpected turn in the road I didn't see coming. YIKES!

Bloody Brilliant!

Loved this one!

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