Sunday, December 20, 2020

Book Review: "The Last Days Of John Lennon" By James Patterson

First and Foremost it's been brought to my attention: Give Peace a Chance by John Lennon was released in Montreal: 1 June 1969, Room 1742, Queen Elizabeth Hotel, Montreal, Quebec, Canada so please note the error when reading.

In addition, while I realize in today's standards many journalist, writers, authors feel a need to glorify killers - I ask one question- WHY?

The title of this book obviously informs readers as to the direction of the novel but did we have to give the killer the last word, did we have to follow his every move, his scheming disjointed thoughts and even his reflections upon murder, guns, and death. I wonder what kind of impact statement this makes upon his family, friends, loved ones and did they have any say prior to this release?

Especially in the latter parts of the book when as readers we went between a rocky marriage, a miscarriage, and an affair only to come back full circle with drugs, lack of security detail, and a reconnection of sorts with Yoko and son.

It boggles the mind why Stu Sutcliffe was mentioned who passed away nearly two decades prior to their friendship or why the immediate attention to guns including Lennon's Happiness is a Warm Gun song on the White Album while rehashing "more popular than Jesus" downfall. Or better why Geraldo Rivera? So here's some rare footage I found:

It was as if the author had a love/hate relationship going on in which in one direction he glorified his work while at the same time continued with the 'impending' death theory that eventually took hold.

I'm a bit at a loss since his 'imminent' death according to sources was planned for over 3 months yet when Lennon passed his worth was over 200 million. So my question is: How can a celebrity not take his security and his family seriously enough to warrant some type of coverage residing in New York City? In fact, the killer was just recently denied parole," In August 2020 he was denied parole for the 11th time" and yes, the whacko is still married 'faith' is the reason.

This other bothersome topic was with the FBI stalking him due to his anti-war rhetoric:

Nevertheless, James has brought his signature work in short sentences with even shorter chapters to the mix and has added his name to another Guinness Book Record I'm sure but I still think this would be better left told by a historian if it's to be titled as nonfiction.

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